The best way to explore Biscayne National Park is by canoe, kayak, or boat, since most of the preserve is underwater. All are fringed with mangroves, with subtropical vegetation and hardwood forests in the interiors, including gumbo limbo, mahogany, ironwood, torchwood and satinleaf. [4] Only 9,075 acres (3,673ha) of the park's area are on land, with the offshore keys comprising 4,250 acres (1,720ha) and mainland mangrove swamps account for the remaining 4,825 acres (1,953ha). Elliott Key is the largest island in the park and the northernmost true key in the There are 44 documented shipwrecks in the park from the 16th through the 20th centuries. Here visitors can discover a primeval forest teeming with rare birds, alligators, manatees, and jaw-droppingly beautiful natural springs. Hawaii National Parks. [11] The bay has a year-round population of double-crested cormorants. Reply South of Miami near Biscayne national park theres a nuclear power plant that expels its excess water through a canal into the ocean. [142] A commemorative plaque was placed at the Dante Fascell Visitor Center in 2002 to commemorate the human and environmental cost of Andrew, and to celebrate the area's recovery from the storm's effects. [37] At the same time, pressure built to accommodate industrial development in South Florida. The discovery of the ship in 1975 resulted in a landmark court case that established the wreck as an archaeological site rather than a salvage site. Roughly 1.25 million alligators live in the Sunshine state but when you spot an alligator so big that it resembles a dinosaur, well that's something. [134], Like many locations in southern Florida, Biscayne National Park is affected by hurricanes every few years. [117] The only natural population of Sargent's palm grows on Elliott Key. Increased overall salinity and changing salinity gradients in Biscayne Bay may also play a role, while polychlorinated biphenyl and mercury contamination have been noted in fish samples. The club had declined with the crash of 1929 which cost Fisher his fortune, but was revived by Garfield Wood in 1934. [17] HMS Fowey was wrecked in 1748[20] in what is now Legare Anchorage, at some distance from the Fowey Rocks. The storm surge was up to 17ft (5.2m) above mean sea level. The Safety Valve, a wide shallow opening in the island chain, between the Ragged Keys and Key Biscayne just north of the park's boundary, allows storm surge water to flow out of the bay after the passage of tropical storms. Snorkel And Scuba. The construction of miles of cooling water canals in the marl lands close to the shore behind the Turkey Point power plant, and the canals' warm waters, have provided a nearly ideal environment for crocodile nesting, making the power plant a nursery for many of those living in the park. Crocodiles are assholes though. [35], During the Cold War the future park area was a training ground for Cuban exiles training for missions in Fidel Castro's Cuba. The answer I got varied from there are, but their shy and stay away from humans. To The American Over time in the near-tropical climate, the forest grew back and now the only significant hiking trail on Elliott Key now follows the path of Elliott Key Boulevard. [26] Colonel Robert E. Lee surveyed the area around Biscayne Bay for potential fortification sites in 1849. [28] Before Israel Jones' death in 1932[29] the Jones plantations were for a while among the largest lime producers on the Florida east coast. Park staff actively assist turtle nesting by removing debris from beaches that might pose an obstacle to adults and hatchlings. A total of nearly 1.7 million people visit Biscayne and the Everglades each year, drawn by both lush scenery and disparate animals and plants. The present name has been attributed to a shipwrecked Basque sailor known as the "Biscaino" or "Viscayno" who lived in the area for a time, or to a more general allusion to the Bay of Biscay. Farther north, exiled Venezuelan president Marcos Prez Jimnez kept a house on Soldier Key until he was extradited in 1963. Significant sandy beaches are found only at Sands Key. Sixteen endangered species including Schaus' swallowtail butterflies, smalltooth sawfish, manatees, and green and hawksbill sea turtles may be observed in the park. Biscayne National Park is an American national park located south of Miami, Florida in Miami-Dade County. The shoreline swamps of the mainland and island margins provide a nursery for larval and juvenile fish, molluscs and crustaceans. WebWhether you choose to hike, paddle, or take a boat or tram tour in Everglades National Park; meander scenic boardwalks, loop drives and backcountry trails in Big Cypress National Preserve; or boat, snorkel and fish in the clear turquoise waters of Biscayne National Park, one thing is certain. The offshore reefs are dominated by elkhorn coral to 10-meter (33ft) water depth, and staghorn coral below 10 meters. [87] The bay also has a resident population of common bottlenose dolphins. You can help protect yourself AND the resources of Biscayne National Park by using ' Reef-Safe Sun Protection '. The Columbus Day weekend has been cited as the "most dangerous weekend of the year." This could result in the animal attacking if it is not given food. Why not check out all that southern Florida has to offer (other than Disney World) and jet away for a little fun with this ultimate Florida National Parks road trip. The park covers 172,971 acres (270.3sqmi; 700.0km2) and includes Elliott Key, the park's largest island and northernmost of the true Florida Keys, formed from fossilized coral reef. At the same time, tidal water does not reach the interior of the coastal margin, limiting interchange between salt and freshwater ecosystems. The Tequesta were resettled by the then-Spanish government in the Florida Keys, and the South Florida mainland was depopulated. [120] Coral reefs are estimated to cover about half the area of the park, with about 4000 individual patch reefs and areas of bank-barrier reef. Its the only place in the world where crocodiles and alligators coexist. Biscayne National Parks 270-square miles are largely under the Atlantic Oceans The lowest elevation found in Biscayne is 0 feet at the Atlantic Ocean. First, its illegal. Tall grasses, mangroves, and hammocks shelter alligators, endangered butterflies, West Indian manatees, and wading birds. Are There Alligators In Nashville Lakes? Next largest is Old Rhodes Key at 660 acres (270ha), then Sands Key 420 acres (170ha), Totten Key 380 acres (150ha) and Little Totten Key at 200 acres (81ha), with 37 smaller islands arranged in a north-south line 5 to 8.7mi (8 to 14km) east of the mainland shoreline. FL Be careful. When does spring start? 5. [19] The Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora del Popolo is believed to have been wrecked in park waters in 1733, though the site has not been found. Don't bother them at all, they don't bother you. [79] Boca Chita Key was developed with several structures including an imitation lighthouse, built using coral rock and topped with a wire cage resembling a lighthouse lantern, and the end of a jetty on the north side of the key. Homestead Bayfront Park, still operated by Miami-Dade County just south of Convoy Point, established a "blacks-only" segregated beach for African-Americans at the present site of the Dante Fascell Visitor Center. Government officials and pro-cycling residents championed the project over the next decades, helping to push it through city, county, state, and federal agencies. Check it out: Mahogany Hammock Trail, spot alligators, hike Anhinga Trail; Read next: Best Places To Visit In Florida. The cactus, which has been described as "near extinction",[115] has been reduced to about 20 individuals. [75] The community is to be administered by a trust and used as accommodation for overnight camping, educational facilities and researchers. John James Audubon visited Elliott Key in 1832. 33033, Download the official NPS app before your next visit. Ninety-five percent of the park is water, and the shore of the bay is the location of an extensive mangrove forest. The passage of roller-frame trawl nets does not harm grasses, but damages soft corals and sponges. While it may seem innocent, feeding any wild animal can eliminate the animal's natural fear of humans and may lead to the animal approaching people in the future looking for food. WebBiscayne National Park Due south of Key Biscayne, Biscayne Bay becomes part of one of the countrys most unique national parks. The park abuts the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary on the east and south sides of the park and John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park to the south. [47], The impact of Hurricane Andrew on neighboring Homestead Air Force Base caused the Air Force to consider closing the base and conveying it to Miami-Dade County, which was interested in using the base for commercial air traffic as an alternative to Miami International Airport. The undeveloped keys south of Key Biscayne were viewed as prime development territory. Elliott Key in particular was used by the Central Intelligence Agency as a training area in the early 1960s in preparation for Bay of Pigs invasion. Led by Lloyd Miller, the president of the local chapter of the Izaak Walton League, Miami Herald reporter Juanita Greene, and Art Marshall, the opponents of industrialization proposed the creation of a national park unit that would protect the reefs, islands and bay. In 1968, when it appeared the area was about to become a national monument, Islandia supporters bulldozed a highway six lanes wide down the center of the island, destroying the forest for 7 miles (11km). [38] The town was finally abolished by the Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners in March 2012. Because it is the largest marine sanctuary in the National Park Service, Biscayne National Park is home to dozens of threatened or endangered species including manatees, alligators, and sea turtles. Sightings in Biscayne Bay at that time were believed to have been from home aquariums destroyed during the hurricane,[130] though the researcher who first proposed the theory has since retracted the assertion. [16] Ponce de Len referred to the bay as "Chequescha" after its inhabitants, becoming "Tequesta" by the time of Spanish governor Pedro Menndez de Avils later in the century. Because the carbon in the leaves is sequestered by incorporation into animals, the mangrove swamp is estimated to have two to three times the ability to sequester carbon of terrestrial forests. The monument was expanded in 1974 under Public Law 93-477 and expanded again when the monument was redesignated a national park by an act of Congress[39] through Public Law 96-287, effective June 28, 1980. These animals can sniff it out. The sun sets over south Floridas Everglades National Park. Two notable animals that can be spotted easily in the southern reaches of the park are manatees and crocodiles. For pedestrians and cyclists, the finished path will bring protection from Miami-Dade Countys notoriously erratic drivers. The Glades culture was followed by the Tequesta people, who occupied the shores of Biscayne Bay. [64], A private concessioner provides tours from the Park headquarters into the bay and to the keys. Roughly 75 percent of the central bay floor is covered by grasses. Many southbound land birds stop in the fall at Bill Baggs Cape Florida State Park, just north of the park on Key Biscayne, before venturing across the open waters of Biscayne Bay. [87], The park's margins are habitat for the threatened American crocodile. Views include the Boca Chita Lighthouse, the bay, ocean, and forested coastline. Jane Wooldridge is a travel, business, and arts journalist based in Miami. Please be respectful of copyright. Algal cover has increased as coral has declined, so coral-dwelling species have decreased while herbivorous fish have increased. In this semi-tropical environment, the seasons are differentiated mainly by rainfall. [8] As a consequence of their origins as reefs, the beaches of Elliott Key and Old Rhodes Key are rocky. "[49], President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Public Law 90-606 to create Biscayne National Monument on October 18, 1968. The islands farther north in the park are transitional islands of coral and sand. [30], Carl G. Fisher, who was responsible for much of the development of Miami Beach, bought Adams Key, once known as Cocolobo Key, in 1916 and built the Cocolobo Cay Club in 1922. [118] The Miami blue was feared to be extinct after Hurricane Andrew in 1992, but a population was found in 1999 at Bahia Honda Key. In 1999 The Air Force prohibited major commercial development at Homestead as a result. [63] Additionally, lobstering is prohibited in the Biscayne Bay-Card Sound Lobster Sanctuary, administered by the state of Florida to protect spiny lobster breeding areas, which overlaps much of Biscayne Bay. Eco-friendly burial alternatives, explained. After the Cuban Revolution of 1959, the Central Intelligence Agency and Cuban exile groups used Elliott Key as a training ground for infiltrators into Fidel Castro's Cuba. [91] Most of the small passerine migrants are warblers, with ovenbirds, palm warblers, American redstarts, common yellowthroats, prairie warblers, worm-eating warblers and black-throated blue warblers accounting for the majority. Flamingos are one of the more popular tropical bird sightings, but raptor and predator bird species include bald eagles, osprey, peregrine falcons, short-tailed hawks, sharp-shinned hawks, merlins, and swallow-tailed kites. Boca Chita Key is among thousands of small islands located in south Floridas Biscayne National Park. Second, they can take a Harris, Ann G.; Tuttle, Esther; Tuttle, Sherwood D. (2004). [36], As modern communities grew in and around Miami, developers looked to southern Dade County for new projects. Anglers in Biscayne are required to have a Florida recreational saltwater fishing license. Sir Lancelot Jones Way [77] The unmanned Pacific Reef Light is about three miles (5km) offshore from Elliott Key. [83] Mangrove swamp, lagoon, island key and offshore reef habitats provide diversity for many species. As late as 1988 a group of Cuban exiles were arrested when they tried to use the key for a mock landing. National Park Service, Biscayne National Park. The site was incorporated into Biscayne National Park in 1985, when the Park Service agreed to honor existing leases until July 1, 1999. Islandia landowners called it Elliott Key Boulevard, but called it "Spite Highway" privately. [58] In 2009, Turkey Point was proposed as the site of two new 1117MW AP1000 nuclear reactors, to be designated Turkey Point 6 and 7. The structure is cast iron, with a screw-pile foundation, a platform and a skeletal tower. Biscayne National Park: Where the Florida Keys begin. Biscayne has one of the largest populations of mangrove cuckoos in Florida. All rights reserved. Bay salinity reaches a peak in June. Last updated: August 17, 2022. The only way to access this road is by walking, biking, or a by taking a tour on the 2 hour tram ride. Researchers theorized the introduction of this species in the park occurred during Hurricane Andrew in 1992. A three-mile western section through downtown Homestead toward Everglades National Parks Flamingo entrance is expected to open in two years. In addition to the physical structures, it would have been necessary to dredge a 40-foot-deep (12m) channel through the bay for large ships to access the refinery. As the trams loop 15 miles through the River of Grass, keep your eyes peeled for alligators, herons, egrets, turtles, and snail kites (an endangered bird that feeds almost Biscayne National Park Institute: Great paddleboard tour in Jones Lagoon - See 1,742 traveller reviews, 749 candid photos, and great deals for Homestead, FL, at Tripadvisor. WebBiscayne National Park is another popular diving spot in Florida, and for a good reason. Everglades National Park. [112] In 2012 one undisturbed nest was found and protected, five partially disturbed nests were protected, and one nest was destroyed by predators. A 6-foot American crocodile was discovered outside of Florida for the first time in 2008, at South Carolinas Isle of Palms. Closing Thoughts Anyone can enjoy this beautiful city, Florida, and there is no better way to spend time with your family than by visiting some of the most breathtaking national parks of Florida. A 1.1-mile semi-loop trail that travels around the bay. Crocodiles are assholes though. Welcome to Stiltsville in Biscayne National Park. The endangered Johnson's seagrass is also found in small quantities in the bay, which is at the southern end of the grass's range. Can we bring a species back from the brink?, Video Story, A journey of the senses through Abu Dhabi, Video Story, Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. passed over this point before striking Homestead and southern Miami-Dade County. Stiltsville dates to the 1930s. Which travel companies promote harmful wildlife activities? Its a wonderland for water activities, as 95% of the island is underwater. It includes Elliott Key - the northernmost of the true Florida Keys. [102], More than 50 species of exotic plant have been documented in the park, with almost 20 of those considered to be pest species which may displace native plants and possibly alter the ecological balance. WebTraduzioni in contesto per "Biscayne, and the" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: The campus is located approximately six miles from the Miami International Airport and less than 15 minutes from downtown Miami, Key Biscayne, and the Miami Beach area, and just a few hours from the Florida Keys. [121] Hundreds of species of hard and soft corals, sea anemones and sponges are found in bay and offshore waters. Visit Elliott Key. [97], The salt-tolerant mangrove margin has expanded inland as freshwater flow into the bay has been channelized, replacing freshwater sawgrass marshes. The number of people visiting Biscayne in 2019 was 708,522 (All Years) Biscayne was made a national park on June 28, 1980. The greenway offers people the opportunity to enjoy them in a safe and picturesque environment., Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic SocietyCopyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. The Joneses also provided the club with fish, lobster and crabs. Biscayne National Park protects four distinct ecosystems: the shoreline mangrove swamp, the shallow waters of Biscayne Bay, the coral limestone keys and the offshore Florida Reef. [45], Portions of the present park were used for recreation prior to the park's establishment. All other portions of the park are reachable only by private or concessioner boats. Patrons included Warren G. Harding, Albert Fall, T. Coleman du Pont, Harvey Firestone, Jack Dempsey, Charles F. Kettering, Will Rogers and Frank Seiberling. The park's western boundary is a fringe of property on the mainland, extending a few hundred meters inland between Cutler Ridge and Mangrove Point. [12] The Biscayne Bay Coastal Wetlands Project (BBCW) is a CERP component specifically intended to redistribute water flow so that fresh water is introduced gradually through creeks and marshes rather than short, heavy discharges through drainage canals. Web478. Bats and agaves make tequila possibleand theyre both at risk, The new year once started in Marchhere's why, Jimmy Carter on the greatest challenges of the 21st century, This ancient Greek warship ruled the Mediterranean, 3 ways Jimmy Carter changed the world for the better, The meaning of the cross of ashes on Ash Wednesday, This disease often goes under-diagnosedunless youre white, The groundbreaking promise of cellular housekeeping. Loggerhead turtles are the most common sea turtle species and account for nearly all of the turtle nests in the park. The frame structures associated with these plantations, together with those of the Cocolobo Cay Club and frame buildings on Boca Chita Key, have been destroyed by fire and hurricanes. He lived in a two-room shack for the next ten years, riding out hurricanes on Porgy Key, but left his home permanently just before Hurricane Andrew in 1992. FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions (U.S. National Park Service) WebBiscayne National Park- Salt Water Crocodile 40,055 views Sep 25, 2015 221 Dislike Share Let's Go Fishing! Travel & Leisure, Biscayne National Park is 95% Underwater Thats Exactly Why You Need to See It. National Geographic, Dive into the Worlds Third Longest Coral Reef. [108] The bay is also affected by commercial shrimp trawling, which is permitted in park waters. Other fascinating creatures that might be experienced through a snorkel and scuba-diving excursion include sea slugs, reef octopus, reef squid, sea hares, and giant blue land crabs. This exciting nature tour includes a narrated airboat ride through the unique ecosystem of the Florida Everglades. These canals channel water from portions of the southeastern Everglades now used for agriculture into the bay. Biscayne National Park Institute: Great paddleboard tour in Jones Lagoon - See 1,743 traveler reviews, 752 candid photos, and great deals for Homestead, FL, at Tripadvisor. Don't bother them at all, they don't bother you. Primarily aimed at the restoration of historical patterns of water flow into Everglades National Park, the project will also deal with issues arising from the diversion of water out of the southern Everglades into Biscayne Bay. The trouble happens when theyve been fed and associate people with a food source. WebDuring your visit to Everglades National Park, you may see an alligator or a crocodile basking, laying out in the sun absorbing its heat, on the side of a trail or road. The national park boundaries encompass an area of 270.3 square miles More modest homesteads include the now-abandoned plantations developed by Israel Jones and his sons, and the Sweeting Homestead on Elliott Key. [10] Both its mainland margins and the keys are covered by mangrove forest. Biscayne Bay and Florida Bay are major nurseries for red grouper and gray snapper. [96] The mangrove forest on Biscayne Bay is the longest on Florida's east coast. WebToday the butterfly is only found on northern Key Largo and several small Keys in Biscayne National Park. [98], Bird life on the shoreline includes yellow-crowned night herons, loggerhead shrikes, prairie warblers and shorebirds. [5], Biscayne Bay marks the southernmost extent of the Atlantic barrier islands, represented by Key Biscayne, and the northernmost extent of the Florida Keys at Elliott Key. The City of Key Biscayne sent a notification in the summer of 2019 to alert that more crocodiles could appear in the sea, and that in that case Urgent notice must be given to wildlife authorities at (866) 392-4286. The original 1921 structure was replaced in 2000 and its lantern was placed on display in a park in Islamorada. Coastal zones are habitat for ruddy turnstones and least sandpipers. Offshore reefs and waters harbor more than 200 species of fish, pelagic birds, whales and hard corals. [99][100][101] Although crocodiles and American alligators both occur in extreme southern Florida, alligators are uncommon in Biscayne,[102] since alligators mainly inhabit fresh waters found farther inland, while crocodiles can live in Biscayne's somewhat saltier estuarine waters. [65] Personal watercraft are prohibited in Biscayne and most other national parks,[66] but other private powerboats and sailboats are permitted. A direct hit by a powerful hurricane can produce severe consequences, primarily by its impact on human interventions in the environment rather than on the natural environment of the park, which is well-adapted to these events. Again, its often guides of Native ancestry who bring out gators and lizards of various sizes and demonstrate the centuries-old techniques used Beginning in the 1890s local interests promoted the construction of a causeway to the mainland. Shark Valley is surrounded by ridges that reach as Web1-Hour Air boat Ride and Nature Walk with Naturalist in Everglades National Park 223 Recommended Airboat Tours from $169.00 per adult Two-Hour Everglades National Park Dolphin, Birding and Wildlife Boat Tour 72 Recommended Water Tours from $97.95 per adult MIAMI Everglades Swamp Boat with roundtrip transport AM or PM 56 Airboat Tours from Now open for tours, the sculpture park has been featured in a, Photograph by Ricardo Arnaldo, Alamy Stock Photos, One of Earth's loneliest volcanoes holds an extraordinary secret. It was a compact Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale. American national park located south of Miami, Florida, Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, restoration of historical patterns of water flow, National Register of Historic Places listings in Biscayne National Park, List of national parks of the United States, "Listing of acreage December 31, 2011", "Estimates of Flows to Meet Salinity Targets for Western Biscayne National Park", "Park Seeks Recollections of Homestead's "Blacks Only" Beach", "Biscayne National Park General Management Plan: Appendix A", "Biscayne National Park Preparing For "Most Dangerous Weekend" Of The Year", "Biscayne National Park Gears Up for Most Dangerous Weekend of the Year", "Turkey Point, Units 6 and 7 Application", "Biscayne BayCard Sound: Lobster Sanctuary", "One Of Seven Remaining Iconic Stiltsville Homes Goes Up In Flames", "Unstaffed Offshore Lights of the Florida Keys", "Boca Chita Key is home to the little lighthouse that isn't", "Birding Tips, Ethics, and Where to Bird in Biscayne", "Stopover Ecology of Nearctic-Neotropical Migrant Songbirds in Hardwood Hammocks of the Florida Keys", "Providing a home for the American crocodile", "Status, Distribution, and Habitat Relations of the American Crocodile in Florida (Abstract)", "Threatened and Endangered Animals in Biscayne National Park", "Status and Conservation of the American Crocodile in Florida: Recovering an Endangered Species While Restoring an Endangered Ecosystem", "Summary of 2012 sea turtle nesting season and habitat restoration activity", "Other Invertebrates (corals, sponges, worms, etc. [144], Since all park lands are no more than a few feet above sea level, they are vulnerable to rising sea levels. WebReachable by boat from Crandon Park or any marina elsewhere in Miami, Biscayne National Park is 95 percent underwater, composed of a marine preserve and an archipelago of small keys, which are a paradise for snorkeling, diving, fishing and camping by boat. Among the many ecosystems found on the Wetlands Trail are habitats perfect for alligators. Reptiles include rattlesnakes and a variety of lizards, as well as an occasional crocodile. Unauthorized use is prohibited. The park includes the southern portion of Biscayne Bay, with areas of thin sediment called "hardbottom", and vegetated seagrass meadows supporting turtlegrass and shoal grass. Biscayne Fast Facts Biscayne National Park covers a total area of 172,924 acres. Biscayne Bay, Key Largo and the adjoining inland extensions were cut from Everglades National Park before its establishment in 1947. Thats Exactly Why you Need to See it for a good reason the most! 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Extensions were cut from Everglades National Parks spot in Florida got varied from there are but... Its a wonderland for water activities, as 95 % of the preserve is underwater as modern grew. Animals that can be spotted easily in the Park introduction of this in. In 1992 journalist based in Miami, pelagic birds, whales and hard corals waters harbor more than species! Finished path will bring Protection from Miami-Dade Countys notoriously erratic drivers are dominated by elkhorn coral to 10-meter ( )... Of Florida for the threatened American crocodile were resettled by the Tequesta,! By rainfall in 1934 group of Cuban exiles were arrested when they tried to use the Key for a reason... National Geographic, Dive into the bay freshwater ecosystems National Park is water, and forested coastline soft... Through the unique ecosystem of the island is underwater establishment in 1947 theres nuclear... Had declined with the crash of 1929 which cost Fisher are there alligators in biscayne national park fortune, but damages soft corals and.... Also affected by hurricanes every few years in this semi-tropical environment, the finished will. Hike Anhinga Trail ; Read next: best Places to Visit in,. Common bottlenose dolphins which has been described as `` near extinction '', [ 115 ] has been to... By a trust and used as accommodation for overnight camping, educational and. It includes Elliott Key the true Florida Keys, and the resources Biscayne. Actively assist turtle nesting by removing debris from beaches that might pose an obstacle to adults and hatchlings Hundreds species...