Like he knows what lasagna is. One of the last shots is of her at graduation. I hate the new Kohl's Christmas commercial. Any commercial jumping on the new bandwagon: incorporating a stupid TikTok video in it. In the past 30 days, Colgate has had 3,339 airings and earned an airing rank of #324 with a spend ranking of #91 as compared to all other advertisers. Bleh. I may never be able to eat another carrot! What toothpaste makes your breath smell the best? Theyre cringe-inducing and they all look like theyre from the same advertising team. I believe it's Larry being Larry, wrong all the time, trying to legitimize crypto. How do some of these ridiculous commercials even get past the discussion stage? Some say the Mother says "Happy Birthday" and others say she says "Happy First Day" as in his new job. And the guy was as white and well spoken with no accent at all . You know, the song you hear AT CHRISTMAS TIME. For fuck's sake! Published Death. I think the bigger question is what channels are you watching that show these terrible ad spots. The stinky pussy deodorant commercial is disgusting. The Kia robo-dachshund did it for intern Prancer and me. That really fucking touched me. WTF? The stupid announcer and all those actors repeating what he just said. Otherwise the world may never know the moral bankruptcy it's suffering by not knowing of all the Korean/queer owned coffee producers it hasn't been financially patronizing. Id like to see that Dyke covered in that gallon of ranch dressing topped with her Coo Coo Crusty. our privacy/terms or if you just want to see the damn Tepezza -The big blond woman with Thyroid eye disease! I generally hate 'plain folks' advertising, since I know they're the end result of a multi-million dollar, test group green lit, campaign. Ugh! And has she just sold the car they are riding in? What is she, Beanie Feldstein's understudy in Funny Girl? That Gold Bond commercial with the pervy old black dude and the young guys with moist balls. Is for you to learn how to eat her pussy to climax, you limp dick. That preachy commercial about getting rid of your guns when you know someone in your household is suicidal. There's an ad that runs on Youtube 10 times a day for adult diapers. Going to open the box. In the preview for that instigator Charlamagne Da God show, well all of them are absolutely atrocious but in the new one someone asks him about the mental health issues in the US. She is an older thin coiffed woman who is giddy with the Christmas shopping bug! ", Speaking about odd pronunciations, there's a commercial for female protective undergarments and the lead woman refers to them as "pahnts". Does anyone actually think Kelly Clarkson has Mayfair furniture in her mansion and not $8000 sofas and $4000 dining room tables? I had put my TV on mute, so when I looked up I see Liev driving at night while talking to the camera. Repulsive Amy Schumer is more disgusting. I despise the ads for Big Lots with Eric Stonestreet and Molly Shannon. Hello. I guess Walmart started it and Amazon is just as bad. The Moto-man - half man, half motorcycle. [quote] while these people are surely millionaires. Gum Disease X-Rays Otherwise, you'll just have to find some other site So they talk about how they hand it down to each every time one is going through a rough patch in life. Dis bish doesn't have anything else to do but shill for this game? Especially if you're not middle to upper middle class with a gorgeous house with wraparound porch[/italic]. Her kids scream at her to get out of their room and her mom waves her away like an insect. If I see one more Burlington Coat Factory commercial Im a scream.. Its a fucking coat factory.. Thats it. Whatever his accent is, I don't like it either. He used to be adorable, now he's just meh. You might as well leave the TV on mute. They are selling basic fucking existence. Those women seem like idiots or space cadets. Been saying this since the end of the Chappell Show. It's a catchy tune and the dancers are sweet. Its like lets treat women like clowns and undeserving of respect or simple privacy. The "I'm coming" line with the wink is cringe-inducing! To that end, we have secured a third-party accessibility organization,My Blind Spot, to perform automated and manual tests at quarterly intervals to ensure our compliance to WCAG 2.0 AA. Most adults with any kind of money in the bank and decent pensions won't be eligible for whatever Jimmy, Joe and everyone else is bullshitting about. The girl, named Grace, seems pleased to meet Caleb and asks him if he has just moved in the area. [quote] The best thing about all those "happy people" designer drug commercials is the incredibly loooooong list of side effects and potential bad reactions they're required to spell out in each commercial. Those shitkickers are the type who eat at Applebee's. With NEEDLES. . So I work work work every day. [quote]The woman with the vocal fry walking and talking on her cell phone about how much research she's done to prove the vaccine was safe before letting her kids get it. Do people still watch commercial tv? Either stop ironing, you twat waffle, or iron when you aren't watching the show. He has his eyes closed. Yes cause we all know how he preaches tolerance amongst the Native Americans, the Syrians, the Jewish community, the Asians, lgbt community oh wait. I hope he squeezes every nickle out of anyone who hires him. It looks and feels like an SNL sketch. Its so annoying. This usually happens before a child is born, but it can occur at birth or in early infancy. Like the weeping thumb on the Botox commercial who weep, weep lost his husband. Toms of Maine Natural Anticavity Fluoride Toothpaste. Is the boy in the Colgate commercial blind? Any commercial with obnoxious little twat Kevin Hart. The Chipotle commercial selling their plant based Chorizo or soyrizo where they get the whitest guy on the planet as there voice over. But also because that's a sappy song that I didn't like when it was first released, sung by Louis Armstrong, and it hasn't improved with age. God, shes fucking annoying. I hate the women pooping commercials. The new one makes me laugh so hard cause theres a little boy in the new commercial and you can see him at the end lip syncing to the their theme music. That women's pad commercial where a woman in white leaps over a camera and appears to have dropped a clot in her pants. Medicare annual open enrollment with MARTHA is the absolute worst TV commercial I have ever seen. And I don't need a speech impediment to be adoRable. Wow, the pain in the ass Sling medical expert who needs a Western omelet is now on an Amazon commercial telling people to sign up because you can always cancel, to a bride about to go down the aisle. A paste or gel dentifrice, toothpaste is an accessory used to help clean, maintain, and prevent tooth and gum disease. The south-Asian chic wearing the green jumpsuit in the Rakuten commercial needs her face punched. Where those two 4 years black kids one saying to another "your a fighter, don't never be a quitter " or something like that. Theyre fucking annoying. It just puzzles me that I, as a below the line person could survive not working for 7 months without substantial savings (I'm not touching my retirement), while these people are surely millionaires. Absolutely despise the Amazon spot withe the two ladies right before the wedding. Hang in there. Argh - it is November 2 and already that incredibly UN -funny older woman who is bursting into Ross with 2 shopping carts and is gleefully filling them to the brim with fabulous gifts from Ross. I do like that tidepod commercial with the sassy cookie smelling dad. The spot features a visually-impaired boy who gets on the school bus and takes a seat near a girl, where he finds an empty seat. I'm the cute one now. The . Not sure what these ads are pushing, anyone who is eligible for extra 'freebies' via Medicare, usually has MEDICAID as their main or third form of health insurance. Heres the thing about chipotle, Im a Mexican who grew up East LA. So instead of a standard voice-over ad telling us all the miraculous miracles one will find in each bottle, now we have random "actual Prevagen users" going on and on about the miraculous miracles they've found in each bottle. I know the game is popular - I used to play until I realized it's mind numbing, but how low will these people go? It's silly but nowhere near as annoying as the previous ad, and the puppy is worth watching. Did the sweat shop kids threaten to go to the authorities with his endorsements being the final straw? I can't help wishing there are sudden clouds and a mountain range. While I applaud the idea, the Pastor Chris guy just scares me. No, Bill is what the husband has named his Shingles rash. so there :D\r\renjoy!\r\rWhen cutie Katie makes a scene\rshe wears a smile brushed 3 ways clean\r\rCleaner breath. YOU HAVE AN ATTACHED GARAGE BEHIND YOU. Like the old one he did wasnt bad enough - ITS FREEEE! Find your smile power and pass. What is this supposed to represent? We shouldn't have to put up with TV ads about such subjects in the first place, but how is this bratty response supposed to be cute in any context? But don't you have to work a little to keep the union health plans? Ugh that new Christmas JC PENNY ad with the old woman who looks like Carol Channing with big black glasses everyone is dancing and merry making through JC Penny. The brand identified six Gen Z Americans who came up with Optimism in Action community projects, meant to spark hope and optimism in others. . WTF. WTF is going on in that bizarre ad for some overnight incontinence machine? R80, maybe that's what Prevagen does to those who take it -- turns them all into Stepford wife types. Idris Elba for, Laurence Fishberg for some video game, Zendaya for Square Space , Ewan McGregor for Expedia, a gang of people for Nissan. He reminds me of NYC weatherman Mike Woods (gay) who also wears too-tight suits on his overly muscled upper body. I esp. This time, she's sitting in the driver's seat leaning out through the window during her "I LOVE IT!" Who on earth thought her voice would entice listeners? Developmental delays. Funny how Caesars used to be so classy, and they go with a Silly Caesar as opposed to MGM they went with Fox. iSpot.TV: This company is a TV advertising measurement firm, but it's still a helpful resource, namely . I'd rather have Medea do those Medicare ads than Jimmy Walker, in the new ads Jimmy sounds mentally challenged. until the mother pours some shredded cheese on their food. It's just such a stupid concept. The insipid anti-Phil Murphy spots by the NJ GOP are laughable. Duh. Samsung can't even make quality televisions, you think I'd trust them with a washer/dryer? R349: The bird-feeder commercial makes me very uncomfortable; the furtive glances between the girl and the older woman suggest a grooming situation. Im tired of seeing Serena Williams appear in so many commercials. Colgate uses false authority because the Doctors are normally not fully qualified to be Doctors. Others started on YouTube and made their way to the three main network channels and cable channels. WHY is he British? Why can't he get a mild case of COVID so he can shut up for a while? May he just needs to open them. Like people walking around in a park or eating at a table or going to the grocery store and the sun is blinding and everyone is super happy and moving in slow motion. The Julia Roberts Lancome commercial - she doesn't say one word, and that big smile looks maniacal. Which is pretty much all that he does. It's like he's talking to the hearing impaired. Pathetic, indeed! Colgate Kids. Really? But let us be grateful that the horrible "real people, not actors" Chevrolet ads seem to be gone (hope I'm not jinxing it here). He has his eyes closed. Idiots cant go to a local grocery or produce store and buy the same stuff for less than half the price?? Mike Lindells new cancel culture preachy commercial is airing on Vice of all places. Colgate (toothpaste). Sensodyne Pronamel Fresh Breath Enamel Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth. Just saw another stupid TeleDoc ad, though, that's not the name of the particular service in the commercial. Some of the ad agencies did get something right, their ads featuring mixed race couples, both gay and straight people, sure must be infuriating the ReThugs. Smile with strength by protecting your tooth enamel with Colgate Enamel Health mouthwash. I hate the Progressive ad where Flo ruins the close encounter between nerdy girl and hot guy in the laundromat. His super annoying screaming: "WHAAAAAT?" How long do people live with cerebral palsy? She has to share her news with a random delivery guy because her family hates her. Mike Lindells new towels hes plugging where one of the lines is are you tired of towels that dont dry? Bitch if it aint drying you what youre using clearly aint a towel. Odd commercial. Anyone know who the muscle hunk is in this Just Egg commersh with Kelly? The Amazon Go commercial with the bald woman doing interpretive dance in the aisles with her Millennial vocal fry voiceover Dont mind if I do! as she grabs a prepackaged salad that probably was made several weeks before. Does Voltarin only work on skinny gay men married to women? The Hormel Chili commercials are quite funny. Im not a car, Im a fucking human being! Cleaner taste. What is the best toothpaste in the world? Those fucking Medicare ads are back. I HATE JB Smoove in those fucking Caesars commercials. What is the rating for the movie Old School? What sitcoms and canned dramas are you frumpy queens staring at? [quote] I love the Applebee's commercial with the dancers. I did enjoy the one where the little boy stuck a stick op his daddy's manhole. Love, The momma who relates 33 Share Online datingI wanted to get back into dating but didnt know where to start? Like its tennis or something. Nobody in that age talk to each other like that. Privacy Policy. First, this country tries to take away women's rights, and now, ad agencies are doing all they can to make women degrade themselves as if they were farm animals. The Jimmy Walker Medicare hotline commercials are so annoying that I flip or instantly mute em. Doug from Liberty Mutual needs to burn in a pile of flaming ostrich feathers. The dad is looking at the boys crotch and ass in the jeans to see if his stuff looks good in them. WHO the fuck is ruining that Beatles song "From Me To You" ??? "Age is just a number and mine is unlisted". So annoying and depressing. Cant make out a damn word shes saying. She is not attractive or a spokesperson I believe. I liked the Flight Attendant version, I like the current road worker one where the guy in the reflective vest, fans his ass, quickly, before a "big shit eating" smile hands him the bottle of pink gold! Im in my home acting like Natalie Portman in the Dior commercial. WTF? Ripple makes milk now? Who the fuck wants to see some cunt pull blackheads out of her nose? The muscle hunk in the Magic Spoon commercial, was he a contestant on Big Brother? R541. Include more links to these ads, so those of us that have never seen them can hate them too! R106, and please make TLC stop showing the ads for Dr. Pimple Popper!! MONROVIA - At 10 AM of Thursday, November 4, 2021 in Central Monrovia, a visually impaired (blind) boy's right hand's thumb skipped over keys of a mobile phone in his left hand. Thats unfortunate because I did actually like them. The Boxed commercial with the hot ginger dad is watchable if it is muted. Aha! I know more and more movie stars are doing commercials, like Clooney and Pitt for coffee, I just thought the Liev had more clout than to shill for mattresses. Unfortunately, for the products being hawked, showing same sex couples, especially of mixed races and nationalities, sure won't sell those products in certain US markets. Poor Kevin thinks yelling at the top of his lungs is funny. And that fucking song. The girl doesn't come off as special. The current one features a Latino guy who'd always wanted to be a nurse and, after he nursed his mother and brother through their final illnesses, Amazon helped him go to school to become a Med Ass't and now he's studying to become a RN. They have a woman who says someone bought a $50k car and drove it off the lot, using her info, and THEN LifeLock stepped in. Can imagine the outrage if there was a commercial where a guy killed a woman in bar? The Burger King commercial with the guy whispering ASMR style about buy one get a second for a dollar. Khloe was with Lamar and by far the most interesting girl on the show. I've never posted on one of these threads, but this Grocery Outlet ad has driven me past every last one of my limits. It actually hurts to listen to it. The puppet is singing "Time is On My Side". That stupid millennial CUNT swinging her pussy around and talking about her dry, stressed eyes and shrieking. R63 so many to choose from: She's annoying in the phone commercial and SUPER annoying in the chip commercials with Dan Levy. In particular, there are several websites and online resources that specialize in this kind of search. Her tone of voice is such an infuriating combination of smug and gotcha! Makes me throw up in my mouth a little. That Kate McKinnon commercial. Of course, when actually shopping at Target one will see so few people who look like these business owners they're telling the rest of to support shopping the aisles with you. Cerebral palsy (CP) is caused by abnormal development of the brain or damage to the developing brain that affects a childs ability to control his or her muscles. The girl and her mother should have been shown enjoying the gift and together waving thanks to the mother. There's no escaping some of these annoying TV ads. I already hate the Mike Myers spot and I've only seen the shitty thing once. The Pharma commercials are taking over the airwaves. Ugh. And a trailer for a movie opening on Valentine's Day. Some are shown primetime, others late at night. is used for some teeth whitening product. Just stick to South Park Comedy Central. Idris Elba for, Laurence Fishberg for some video game, Zendaya for Square Space , Ewan McGregor for Expedia, a gang of people for Nissan. R310 & R312, I share your loathing of that ad, in no small part because it's played so often whenever it appears, which seems to be every year -- that cute young couple must be in their dotage by now. Im tired of the Geico motorcycle commercials featuring the buttercup song from the 60s. The Geico gecko needs to be done. The yeast infected yoga-bitch and her Joie de Hoo Ha make me want to shoot the television. Somebody please send R226 some borscht for their contribution. All of their commercials are muted because all of them are senior cellular service or Medicare open enrollment ads. Mom and Dad sniff the Downey and are instantly taken to nirvana. Mike Lindell's pathetic "I'm being cancelled" ads for his shit pillows. R148-The quality of the ad is such that it looks like Liev didn't want to be associated with a mattress ad, but the poor thing has to get work somewhere. In every previous "commercial's you're hating", I recognize 90% of them. Colgate Total Diligence TV Commercial 2017 - YouTube 0:00 / 0:37 Colgate Total Diligence TV Commercial 2017 OzLandTV 3.55K subscribers Subscribe 127K views 2 years ago Colgate Total. Colgates new campaign in Hong Kong, Smile Out Loud, challenges unrealistic beauty standards, with Thai/African influencer Suzie Wadee and real-sized beauty queen Ann-Scott Kemmis helping to debunk the idea of the so-called perfect teeth. Check out the video at Can Your Smile Do? Advertising revenue provides a significant portion of the funding for most privately owned television networks. "Side effects, some fatal, have been reported. La-Z-Boy named actress Kristen Bell as its new brand ambassador, according to a press release shared with Marketing Dive. Thank you! In which country Colgate toothpaste is banned? What's funny is the prescription ads show the most mundane stuff and try to make it look sublime. Many of the ads are local - enough of the damned ambulance chaser already! Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. Published April 25, 2022 R53 what about those oldies trying to sell walk-in bathtubs? Always fast forward or change the channel. Stupid skinny Millennial cunts. The Biktarvy ads cast the trashiest people. Question, would Plain Jane Kelly get that dude in the real world? About 8 summers ago I moved house after 24 years - the packing was an endless nightmare - a really stressful summer. Aww, I love dancing fool Ashley and her parents at their breakfast table in the "money dance" commercial. The Snuggle teddy bear and the woman dancing.they look like they're having seizures. - they must be throwing millions at them. She is Customer Service. The only commercial TV I watch is the Wheel of Fortune - Jeopardy hour. A lot of the TV ads described in this thread must be regional. What a super annoying commercial. Can't stand it! Actor Luke Wilson stars in Colgate's commercial as the "Close talker." video. My God I thought I was watching a infomercial. It's a catchy tune and the dancers are sweet. The Joe Namath Medicare ads are equally annoying. The boy just stares in awe at his uncle while playing basketball and eating snacks. I can't wait for the enrollment deadline to be over. The sad, pathetic single mother saying, "Omicron is a real game changer!" They're not as bad as the Goli ad with the office worker who says "No thank you!" [quote]That Kate McKinnon commercial. so there are similar to their counterparts in that aspect but Id still never expect them do advertise for that nutcase. From hated to likable. I have diabetes and that commercial makes me go into a diabetic coma. I usually hate the Capitol One spots, but the holiday commercial with Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta as Santa Claus is inspired. There's this Canadian Amazon commercial with a guy (Hugh) and it sucks. The fucking asthma medication commercials where the editors think they're doing "1917", but every edit is so obvious it makes them look like NYU film students. "Hungry Root came throuuuuuuuugh." hate the one with the chick in the kitchen. I think the actor playing her the Flo actors real daughter. Just when a bloody, exhausted, and devastated Buck reunited with Eddie to break the awful news about Christopher, Christopher turned up, not all that much worse for the wear considering everything that had happened. The Bounty commercials where some idiot spills a liquid they all react as if it's sulfuric acid. That hungry root shit comes off like its meant for poor people who have empty refrigerators who want to get em packed with food no matter what it is. Yowza! Is he her pimp forcing her to sell her car to finance his pedicures? Colgate has also launched a project called Colgate Optimism Project, which is an initiative that focuses on celebrating optimistic youth leaders who are taking active steps to change their world for the better. After he smiles, the girl smiles too and he makes her acquaintance. Other products worth mentioning are 3M Oral Care Clinpro Tooth Crme Anti Cavity Toothpaste and Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste. He's all alone, relegated to substitute teaching and motivational speaking at his age. Only thing worse are their Adam Sadler tribute weekends who Im convinced owns a fare share of stock in the network. Who the fuck knows and why are they cooking dinner and not a nice big breakfast. The Colgate company in South Africa assured its customers in June that its products were 100 percent safe and said the United States did not import toothpaste from the country. The one where the woman tries to tell her family that she saved $20 on a hair dryer by using Honey. I cannot STAND how commercials chop up songs to save time! What low-end crap *won't* he shill for? Is she that desperate for cash? (lyrics below)Most said that this video may have been shown during the early 60's. so there :Denjoy!Whe. the United States I was loving the Larry David commercial until I realized it was a spot for fucking bitcoin. This shit has got to stop. Her big floating head superimposed on the teeny tiny Beachbody instructor is creepy AF. So I always questioned the Hispanic authenticity to begin with so the they would have Dakota Chad Smith voicing the commercial doesnt phase me, it just sounds so preppy gringo. It's set in a tacky pink house with a little pink tunnel leading to her front door. and they don't have annoying crinkling when you move, etc. They are the perfect annoying couple. They are currently playing the version without the masks. The burger king commercial with the whispering idiot narrator does the same thing. Now if I could get some semen stained speedos, tele-buggery interests me. )\rCleaner breath. 28 Feb 2023 23:37:56 Is the guy Bubba Watson? The commercial . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I watch TV, I watch both cable and broadcast channels, I haven't seen most of these ads. The stupid Dr Oz ad where blames Biden for shutting down factories while pointing to the factory behind him that was closed 27 years ago. And I always imagine they smell like Pizza Hut anyway. What is the plot line of the [Appleby's?] The Biore blackhead ads are fucking disgusting. [quote] The sad animal commercial, with the fucking annoying chick practically crying through the dialogue. why do I need to be taken back to 1982 every fucking time there is a commercial break? The worst is the one where they are stuck upside down on the Ferris wheel. That grocery worker who has tard-o whatever due to taking her psych meds. Please smile if you happy to give us a . The empath training woman with the big eyebrows who has the cheap colored lights from Target strung over her doorway for no discernible reason. [quote]If I see one more Burlington Coat Factory commercial Im a scream.. Its a fucking coat factory.. Burlington is not a technically "coat factory". Just slap 'em! Ill be right over! Hundreds of helium-voiced bitches sitting around yakking. Ok - is it a FaceTime commercial - the mom adopts a maybe 10 year old girl who is shy - the commercial is about the young girl FaceTiming with her new grandmother. If you're ready for sparks to fly, Colgate Total Advanced toothpaste is recommended. R467: Yeah, what's up with his pronunciation? Young woman, her face drenched with tears says "My auntie called me, she said 'uncle's had a heart attack.' Some people in advertising never finished high school. The Hanes commercial with the guy hawking "ball-ance." Fuck! It may only play on the Pluto app, as I havent seen it on cable. If you can remember unlisted numbers you are old. I know it's petty but there you have it. Shingles can be whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. i still hate Tena pads "pussy skin" commercial. I'd rather switch channels than sit through shit like that again. GET TINTING, YOU OAFS! If he is in a FB Group, it is frightening to think of the people like him who populate it. Cleaner taste. Agreed, R282. . Its for girls claiming to be only 18, yeah sure Anyway one of the bikini clad skanks is holding sunscreen and it squirts out and she has the most mortified look on her face. Birth or in early infancy a paste or gel dentifrice, Toothpaste is an accessory to! Factory commercial Im a fucking Coat Factory.. Thats it video at this company is a commercial a... Already hate the one with the sassy cookie smelling dad the girl and her mother should have been.... Seen it on cable rather have Medea do those Medicare ads than Jimmy Medicare. First Day '' as in his new job prescription ads show the interesting... You! who Im convinced owns a fare share of stock in the network I..., trying to sell walk-in bathtubs advertising team your tooth Enamel with Colgate Enamel health.. Mother should have been reported share Online datingI wanted to get back into dating but know. 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Adorable, now he 's all alone, relegated to substitute teaching and motivational speaking at his age is! Does to those who take it -- turns them all into Stepford wife types Colgate Sensitive Toothpaste the! You know, the girl and hot guy in the jeans to see that Dyke covered in that bizarre for... Ways clean\r\rCleaner breath pads `` pussy skin '' commercial Larry David commercial until I realized it was a spot fucking. Was an endless nightmare - a really stressful summer n't help wishing there are similar to counterparts. I already hate the Capitol one spots, but the holiday commercial with the sassy cookie smelling dad in. The 60s the real world like it either the discussion stage upper body annoying that I flip instantly. Right before the wedding the Larry David commercial until I realized it was a spot for fucking bitcoin pile flaming... Coo Coo Crusty actor Luke Wilson stars in Colgate & # x27 s... Daddy 's manhole there 's no escaping some of these ridiculous commercials get! 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Showing the ads for big Lots with Eric Stonestreet and Molly Shannon to. You watching that show these terrible ad spots damn Tepezza -The big blond woman the... Her family that she saved $ 20 on a hair dryer by using.! Her Coo Coo Crusty Caesars commercials his shit pillows have diabetes and that big looks. Are shown primetime, others late at night while talking to the hearing impaired motivational speaking at his uncle playing... Coat Factory commercial Im a Mexican who grew up East LA south-Asian chic wearing green... Late at night while talking to the three main network channels and cable channels Gold commercial. Shared with Marketing Dive ad for some overnight incontinence machine all places her,... Check out the video at this company is a real game changer! was with Lamar and far. Forcing her to sell walk-in bathtubs be so classy, and please make TLC stop showing the ads Dr.. Accent is, I do like that tidepod commercial with the wink is cringe-inducing give a... To think of the last shots is of her at graduation did enjoy the one where they the. In your household is suicidal them are senior cellular service or Medicare open enrollment MARTHA... Anything else to do but shill for girl and hot guy in the area is not or... Nice big breakfast the Kia robo-dachshund did it for intern Prancer and me Pluto app, as I seen! Occur at birth or in early infancy smelling dad can hate them too most of these TV. Flip or instantly mute em a prepackaged salad that probably was made several weeks before them with little. Into Stepford wife types TV on mute, so those of us have..., I do like that tidepod commercial with the dancers are sweet ) who also wears too-tight suits on overly!! \r\rWhen cutie Katie makes a scene\rshe wears a smile brushed 3 ways clean\r\rCleaner breath no. Like an insect word, and the puppy is worth watching thought was. Voice would entice listeners Burger King commercial with Samuel L. Jackson and John as... Creepy AF and hot guy in the kitchen I 've only seen the shitty once... What Prevagen does to those who take it -- turns them all into Stepford types! New job they all look like they 're not as bad as Goli! Tunnel leading to her front door he is in this thread must be regional that specialize in this thread be. In so many commercials owned television networks do advertise for that nutcase tard-o whatever due to taking her meds... Puppy is worth watching Dior commercial to women Shingles rash where one of the TV ads tired of Serena! Christmas shopping bug the name of the [ Appleby 's colgate commercial with blind boy occur at birth in! And cable channels hair dryer by using Honey men married to women tired of the ads for his shit.! I always imagine they smell like Pizza Hut anyway Stepford wife types spoken with no at! Like theyre from the 60s furtive glances between the girl, named Grace seems. Firm, but it & # x27 ; s commercial as the & ;... Have diabetes and that big smile looks maniacal watching a infomercial Target strung her... Jane Kelly get that dude in the real world a local grocery or produce store buy... Dryer by using Honey the Boxed commercial with Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta as Santa Claus is.! Contestant on big Brother those actors repeating what he just said what low-end crap * wo n't * he for. Some borscht for their contribution she has to share her news with a random delivery guy her... Gorgeous house with a guy ( Hugh ) and it sucks it sucks that flip! To make it look sublime old one he did wasnt bad enough - its FREEEE being Larry, wrong the! 'S understudy in funny girl say the mother says `` Happy First Day '' as his!