HE CANT BE HEMALURGICALLY SPIKED IF THE METAL ISNT TOUCHING HIS INSIDES. Kelsier is known by many titles, the origins of which vary. The Coppermind has spoilers for all of Brandon's published works, now including The Lost Metal and Tress of the Emerald Sea (Secret Project 1). . [20] He is arrogant and very driven which, combined with his power, makes him incredibly dangerous;[21] he is willing to go extremely far to achieve his goalsfor example, he would be willing to use Hemalurgy on a large scale to create powerful Allomancers if ultimately necessary to protect Scadrial from other forces in the cosmerethough is not quite as utilitarian as Taravangian. While he is incapable of leaving Scadrial in person, he uses an "avatar" to visit the Ghostbloods on Roshar. Though, in my opinion, I dunno if Ruin would try to forcethe Lord Ruler to kill Kelsier. Yet, his death isn't truly that sad to me. [24] After his death, OreSeur takes his bones and appears before several groups of skaa, making them believe that Kelsier survived somehow. Before leaving them, he created the Bands of Mourning, a collection of unsealed metalminds forged together and containing all kinds of attributes in extremely large quantities. , Kelsier is terrified by Ati and the power that he holds, seeing and feeling it through the Well of Ascension.[74]. [67] Harmony also made vague allusions to the Southern Scadrians that Kelsier once ruled as the Sovereign. Gave Entrone: An amateur archeologist who insulted Steris at a party. Is Trell the true Big Bad of Era 2? Please clarify. Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the. Be aware that in its current state, it may not include all additional content yet. Ettmetal, also known as harmonium, is the condensed elemental form of Harmonys power. Its probably not realistic though. Aside from the Survivorists, there was also a whole civilization of people that worshiped Kelsier far to to the south of Elendel, calling him the Sovereign. Kelsier was then trained by a Mistborn named Gemmel[37] and they traveled to the far north of the Western Dominance to a city called Mantiz where Kelsier fought and killed the Mistborn Antillius Shezler. Mister Suit had been captured and possibly killed, but Lady Sequence (Telsin) had escaped, and there are rumblings of more devious plots afoot something to do with the kandra who are working for the Set, and Trell. The spirit of Kelsier often appears in Spook's hallucinations, granting him the power to burn pewter and guiding him through difficult situations. He eventually plays an important role in freeing her from Ruins influence. [43] He feels Ruin's presence during his time in the Well. When Marsh caught Vin in Luthadel, he attacked Ruin with Preservation's power, weakening Ruin's control over Marsh just enough for Marsh to rip out Vin's earring. At the end of TheBands of Mourning, she was shot several times but retained a metalmind and escaped. In the following months, Kelsier himself took on many roles to further the plan, acting as a beacon to the repressed skaa, assisting in recruitment,[30] attacking many noblemen to increase the tensions between the Great Houses,[16], collecting information by purchasing it from informants, and even posing as an informant in order to provide misinformation to noblemen. [11] He hates all of the nobility and tends to believe that all of them are to blame for the plight of the skaa, although near the end of his life this attitude changes due to Vin's insistence that Elend is different and that not all the nobles should be fought, although his views did not fully change, and he retained his prejudice and distrust. After Holding and releasing the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier became a Sliver. Like all Southern Scadrians, he wears a red and black mask at all times. Luthadel [ edit] Dockson met his death with a sword in hand during the Battle of Luthadel. It is a dystopian fantasy world in which magic users gain powers by swallowing. [8], Kelsier has a Hemalurgic spike in his right eye socket,[32] which he acquires sometime after the Catacendre. He introduced them and Vin to Yeden and explained his plan to destroy the Final Empire and kill the Lord Ruler. [42] For a period, he did not fully respect or believe Leras's divinity, but over time he came to respect him more. [46], During his journey to find the Ire, he runs into Ruin and has a discussion about Ruin's intent. What are you saying? As such, I wont be delving into every plot and character nuanceonly the ones which are likely to be relevant toThe Lost Metal. He worked out of a safehouse in Bilming, alongside Moonlight, TwinSoul, Kaise, and Dao. Dick was so focused on the rhythm of movement and moving toward the name, he almost missed the quiet sound of a cloak fluttering behind him. As the Sovereign, Kelsier ruled the Southern Scadrians for a time and formed another religion that deified Metalborn, and then he left. The book was first published in July 17th 2006 and the latest edition of the book was published in July 31st 2007 which eliminates all the known issues and printing errors. Later on, a group of Southern Scadrians traveled north in search of the Sovereign's Bands of Mourning, but were captured by the Set, who decided to seek the Bands as well. Kelsier is a half-skaa Mistborn from Scadrial. His cheerful exterior hides his doubts over Mare's loyalty, whom he continues to believe to have betrayed him until Vin demonstrates that it is possible to pierce copperclouds. So the head was likely stopped by the ground before leaving his body. They also have the technology to create powerful grenades and bombs, as well as medallions which grant various powers. [6], Dockson told Kelsier about a young Allomancer girl Marsh had discovered whom he suspected was a Mistborn. Except if you remove the spike, you love the alteration because the Identity is not matched. He escapes the Well following its destruction and travels west, meeting Khriss, Nazh, and a group of Elantrians along the way. Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm and met Preservation. His late wife Mare collected pre-Ascension memorabilia, and he keeps one piece, a drawing of a flower,[7] to inspire his crew. It reacts explosively to water. If it did, the Koloss who died wouldn't have reverted to Humans when Kelsier saw them die. When Kelsier was in the Cognitive Realm after his release, he often would show up to him in order to mock him and his inability to do anything. With the help of MeLaan, another kandra, they hunt the killer down, only to discover that its Waxs presumed-dead ex-wife, Lessie; turns out she was Paalm all along. In the process, he tells the skaa to flee to the Terris settlement at the Pits of Hathsin should troubles. They went to the hideout themselves just in time to save Vin from Camon. His near invincibility as a Mistborn warrior fuels his reckless nature. [56] He does not yet know the secret to overcome this limitation. Epic previously teased the Mistborn crossover by tweeting out a quote . [15] He shows little empathy or fear, as well as a high ego,[14] and is frequently quick to resort to using violenceoften lethal violenceto solve problems,[16][17][18][19] even when doing so clearly won't actually help the people he is supposedly trying to help. He was the one who organized, the one who took all of the wild brainstorming and turned it into a viable operation. Kelsier, sentenced to die mining the Pits of Hathsin after attempting to rob the Lord Ruler's palace, arose as a powerful Mistborn and inspired the revolution that shook the foundations of the Final Empire. [12] He always smiles and projects an excited and positive attitude, which is particularly unusual in the skaa underground. [43][77] Merely interacting with Hoid for a brief amount of time was enough to send Kelsier into a murderous rage. A discussion means you have twosides, and you literally just asked one side to leave and move along.. [citation needed], To put the plan in motion, Kelsier first targeted Keep Venture, as House Venture was the currently most powerful house in Luthadel and an attack on it would have the greatest impact. During the first year of COVID lockdowns, the creative collective SoulsForge developed Mistborn: Ashes Project:A collaborative proposal for a prospective AAA. At the end of the book, Waxillium Ladrian is given a feruchemic coin by Hoid which stores the memory of a man with one eye and one hemalurgic spike, with arms covered in scars. [7] Using Allomancy he was able to escape the Pits. And, if you can, dont get all rage monster with ma boy Ishar. [39], The plan was to secretly build up an army of twenty thousand trained skaa soldiers in the Arguois caverns while at the same time causing confusion and distrust in the nobility to cause a house war. He is credited as the first to ever escape the death camp, and from henceforth he was titled the Survivor of Hathsin. (Almost certainly on that score, lets be honest.) And the book clearly had the rebels shove 2 spears right through his body. Until Kelsier, a brilliant half-Skaa thief and natural leader, finds in himself the powers of a Mistborn, and turns his talents to the ultimate caper, with the Lord Ruler himself as the mark. So we really cant know if he was being feeling the effects of Ruins influence, since we cant even know if he was hemalurgically spiked. After Vin had recovered from her extensive injuries, Ham took her with him to allow her to watch him burn pewter effectively, but they quickly returned to Kelsier with news that Yeden had had his troops attack a garrison outpost against their main objective. [48] He ultimately only took a glass orb from them after thwarting their plan to take over become the Vessel of Preservation after Leras' death. [42] Despite being mostly cordial with Kelsier, he does hate him to an extent due to how he manipulated peoples faiths during his life, playing with their hearts and treating their faith casually. Our Privacy Notice has been updated to explain how we use cookies, which you accept by continuing to use this website. I find it odd how specific Kelsier's death is. It is used to fuel Southern Scadrian Allomantic technology, including their airships, which run via Steelpushing. Theres always another secret, but well have answers to some as of November 15th! In their hunt for a kandras missing spike, they travel to New Seran, then to Dulsing, then finally to the Sovereigns Temple. Here, they discover that Waxs sister Telsin is still alive and a member of the Set. Kelsier considers guns to be inelegant weapons. [2] He is capable of using them with a high degree of precision to control the momentum and rotation of dozens of pieces of metal simultaneously. He was killed by the Lord Ruler in The Final Empire, but has resurrected. Speaking of the Set. Kelsier: The famed Survivor of Hathsin, a half-skaa mistborn who led a revolution against the Lord Ruler. He strongly disapproves of the way Kelsier flippantly kills noblemen and those who serve them without a second thought. Kelsier also wanted to try kill the Lord Ruler with the Eleventh Metal as a "voluntary bonus". He is almost always late to gatherings, which he attributes to always having somewhere better to be. Edwarn Ladrian (aka Mister Suit): Waxs uncle, and a member of the Set. The vision, seen from Kelsier's point of view, showed that his spiked right eye viewed the world through Allomantic lines, similar to Steel Inquisitors, while his left eye saw things normally.[34]. Sure, maybe it would be active for a split second when touching blood or whatever like you said,but as soon as the head passes out of his body on the other side, it wouldnt affect him anymore. Kelsier protested, earning himself a violent beating, whereupon he Snapped. There are hints throughout Era 1 that Kelsier was still around, including Sazed flat out saying that Kelsier requested Spook be made a Mistborn. Now there is also the question of why your comment was warranted. [45] They question him on Preservation's appearance after learning he has spoken directly with the Shard, and then continue their discussion onto other topics. Not again. Which is kind of how Id always imagined it. Together with his wife Mare, he led daring heists and gained great renown. I dunno what the point of spiking him would be. Once their army was trained and the houses grew unstable enough, they would send a part of their army to attack the Pits of Hathsin, forcing the garrison of Luthadel to go and defend the Pits. He told Suit that the Set had decided that allowing civilization on Scadrial to continue was too dangerous and that they decided to remove life on this sphere instead. The creature then activated an explosive device, apparently killing Suit. He claims that he smiles solely because laughter is the only thing that the Lord Ruler cannot take from him. Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm. B. from what I do understand, I don't see why it is relevant, and generally, when something is irrelevant it is wrong simply because it is simply adding more complexity to the books (I think we all know the Cosmere has plenty), and is pointless. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), 2023 Macmillan | All stories, art, and posts are the copyright of their respective authors, Mistborn Era 2: Everything You Need to Know Before Reading, Centers of Attention in the Very Modern Murder Mysteries of Rian Johnson, Martin Scorsese, Paul Schrader, and Terrence Malick Meet at a Diner to Discuss, The Legacy of Old Tropes: Charles R. Saunders Jeroboam Henleys Debt, Five YA SFF Books Featuring Crews Youll Want to Join, All the Myriad Ways: The Many, Many Faces of the Shapeshifter, Ben Siskos Non-Linear, Non-Binary Arc in, Zoom and Bored Transports the Road Runner and Coyote to a Realm of Funhouse Physics, Reading The Wheel of Time: Subjugation and Surrender in Robert Jordans, 10 Classic Tales for Fans of Swashbuckling and Historical Intrigue. One day, the men of gold and red, bearers of the final metal, will come to you. Kelsier's martyrdom and seeming resurrection spawns a new religion, the Church of the Survivor, which venerates Kelsier's teachings. Wayne: Waxs loyal sidekick, Wayne has a tendency to borrow things and has an aversion to using guns despite his duty as a lawman. Waxillium (Wax) Ladrian(fka Asinthew): One of our two primary characters. You are filling this thread with posts that are not needed and not wanted. I do think that an interesting (and relevant)question that is brought up by this theory though is whether or not it is possible to spike a person without killing them. One of Kelsier's defining characteristics is his infallible optimism, even in the face of disastrous situations. Kelsier's estranged brother Marsh also joins, hoping to realize his own dream of a successful Skaa Rebellion despite his disapproval of Kelsier's methods and leaving the rebellion when he had learned Kelsier and Mare had been captured. After Marsh was seemingly killed by Inquisitors, Kelsier traveled to the Pits of Hathsin, and in his anger, destroyed all the atium-producing crystals there, forever halting the production of atium. Although he had only come into his powers three years before the beginning of Mistborn: The Final Empire, Kelsier repeatedly demonstrates a level of skill and finesse greater than that of most other Mistborn. Its not that difficult. Despite his suspicion that Mare betrayed him, he decides to fulfill Mare's dream of overthrowing the Final Empire. That would have advanced his plans quite nicely. Kelsier is described to be a middle-aged man with hawkish features and light blonde hair. you seem far away from this address uber eats kate bosworth leaked photos After speaking with Vin and Elend briefly upon their deaths, he discovers from Sazed that there is a way for him to go back to life. Be. You seem to want to shut down theories that are too complex for you to understand. I cant find that WOB in Arcanum, but he definitely had at least one spike at the end of Bands of Mourning. Marasi Colms: An Allomantic Pulser (able to slow down time in a bubble around herself) and a constable in the Elendel constabulary. Kelsier and Dockson went to see her first hand; they watched Vin Soothe an obligator during Camon's scheme, confirming that she was at least a Soother. Kelsier was kind of Ruins agent on Scadrial while he was there, even though he didnt actually have a spike. [40] He continued training Vin and was surprised by her quick progress. He also searched far and wide for possible ways to defeat the Lord Ruler, and managed to find an ingot of the fabled Eleventh Metal (he claimed he had found it in the west, which is considered to be a lie. He helped the people there survive using his knowledge of the Metallic Arts, showing them how to make unsealed metalminds to store attributes like heat in a way that could be shared with anyone. TheManKnownAsHoid, August 2, 2018. So, Im kind of with Ishar a little bit. Kelsier knocked out Camon with Steelpushes and gave control over the crew to Milev. But spiking modifies the spirit web, which is the same whether your a cognitive shadow or not,and so it could have provided him benefits. He overcomes this character flaw eventually (demonstrated by saving the noblemen Elend Venture from certain death) when Vin convinces him that there are good people among the nobility. But lets start off with the basics, shall we? Vin didn't trust him but agreed in order to learn how to use Allomancy. I am not trying to shut this theory down as you would say, I am trying to understand the theory, because as you said, I want to discuss it,and your post telling people who dont understand what you are saying because you are so unclear are even more uneccesary, aggressive, and frankly very rude. All Im saying is that theres no way to definitively know whether or not the metal heads were still inside him. He met with Yeden the leader of the skaa rebellion and made Yeden hire him to bring down the Final Empire. Major Character Death; Categories: F/M; Gen; Fandom: Mistborn - Brandon Sanderson; Relationships: . They have been utilizing Hemalurgy to grant their members Allomantic and Feruchemical powers. The Skaa still would have rebelled, Vin still wouldve gone after TLR, and they still wouldve won. Ati manipulated Kelsier for many years, grooming him in order to bring about his release. Allik Neverfar: A Southern Scadrian (specifically from Malwish), Allik is an airship crewman who was captured by the Set. Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the. The Lord Ruler served as the target of Kel's final escapade, a superb thief and natural leader. Killing Kelsier in a specific way wouldnt have changed or accomplished anything that he would care about. As of the end of TheBands of Mourning, it is believed by the characters that the goal of the Set is to begin a civil war to overthrow Elendel. It's the same power, after all. , When several skaa from the rebellion were about to be executed, Kelsier attempts to save them. The Church of the Survivor, or Survivorism, is possibly the most organized of Scadrial's religions in this period, as well as being the clear favorite among the social elite and downtrodden alike. [34] This spike pins his soul to his bones. After his apprentice Vin kills the Lord Ruler, OreSeur lays Kelsier's bones to rest. , He and Hoid have a very antagonistic relationship one with one another, stretching back to when they first met and got into a violent fight. While there, other agents decide to report to Kelsier about the Set's imminent launch of a disastrous rocket at Elendel. Without a Physical aspect, his powers failed. Or not the Metal heads were still inside him [ 56 ] he always smiles and an... Solely because laughter is the condensed elemental form of Harmonys power leaving Scadrial in kelsier mistborn death, he decides fulfill. 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