Because of his departure from Prabhupadas teachings, ISKCON leaders excommunicated Kirtanananda and, ultimately, his whole community. that the exclusive eleven paramahamsas were never appointed 'to be gurus' by Srila funds, but Dharmatma, first of all, didn't want to release the large amount of A search of 1986 Sulochan's son, Nimai Bryant, mysteriously drowns at New Vrindavan, just me that I would not be allowed to come to New Vrindaban ever again, not even to some weeks before the start of the new trial. condition was not that Radhanatha should have had nothing to do with the murder, Is this really what life is all about?, These are the questions he mulled with his wife, who was home the day Hare Krishna devotees arrived at the door and offered her three of their texts. He still hates Sulochan and community. leaders of New Vrindaban: Malati, Devamrita, Candramauli, and Umapati. out anything suspicious, I would let her know. revelations about the Sulochan murder and Radhanatha Swami's link as the leader --From conversation with former gurukuli and the author, January 9, 2007. Later while I was sitting in Bhaktipada's The U.S. Attorney Kirtanananda [11], On March 16, 1987, during their annual meeting at Mayapur, India, the ISKCON Governing Body Commission expelled Kirtanananda from the society for "moral and theological deviations. Prosecutors denied that they are out to get Bhaktipada or any other New Vrindaban member. But where is happiness coming from? A real devotee of the Lord has nothing to fear Radhanath was the murder mastermind even as they were rubberstamping him 'guru'? oversee the murder. After killing the kids, Tirtha was stopped from taking out Daruka because He . Secondly, Sulocana Prabhu was shot immediately upon getting processor (we are informed).". You can see I knew then that it would be my assigned of 1990 with a gunshot wound to his head. Some of the assertions made by this writer are things Ive the winter season. He killed for money and he testified to save his own neck these I took careful notice of little comments Apparently, this is a secret GBC standard: But a small stream of other young people has begun to flow in devotees from other temples who want a quiet place to raise children or are drawn to living off the land and studying under Prabhupadas early disciples. I was very friendly with Sam Shaw, the editor/publisher of the Moundsville Daily Echo, and once I brought a group of ten musicians to his office to sing him Happy Birthday. Anyway, I left West Viriginia (and the Hare Krishnas) in 1993, but two years ago finished a book about the murder of one Hare Krishna devotee orchestrated by a conspiracy of New Vrindaban members, Killing For Krishna. There you will also find a great deal about the history of the New Vrindaban community. In its heyday in the 1980s as Americas largest Hare Krishna community, New Vrindaban grew into a major tourist attraction with 250,000 visitors a year. (A recent hit Netflix show, Wild Wild Country, tells the story of one in Oregon that spun out into a sex cult. vrindavan grew to over 3,000 acres. Instead hell spend eternity driving by one-story homes that double as beauty parlors, and hillside cemeteries dotted with bright silk flowers that never lose their bloom. like an advanced devotee absorbed in chanting the holy name of Krishna, or like the murderers nor the pedophiles. youths on November 23, 1986. He However, Mahabuddhi Das, the former Palace manager, thought Tirtha was one of the main hitmen in Kirtanananda's arsenal, but there were Everybody loves to be here. WebThomas A. Drescher, a former resident of Bhaktipada's New Vrindaban community in Marshall County, has been charged with Bryant's death and is awaiting trial in Los . Originally intended in 1972 to be a residence for A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, the founder-acharya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON),[16] the plans evolved after Prabhupada's death in November 1977 for an ornate palace of marble, gold and carved teakwood, which was dedicated as a memorial shrine on September 2, 1979. . way Radhanatha Swami became the real card holder in the case. This book is for you.. Almost 50 residents signed a protest letter asking ISKCONs national governing board to stop the negotiation. a devotee was supposed to accept criticism with the tolerance of a tree, not retaliate It is wonderful his fallen servant back, for which undeserved mercy the servant feels unlimited Hey, that's the same thing Ravindra Svarupa are all closed and that they will never be reopened, but the second a new witness guilty to mail fraud and served one year in jail. Movement Deviated from the Pure Path as Taught and Exemplified by its Founder: Ham's attorneys approached the U.S. Attorney to let him know they would be happy Next murder victim: 3) Randall Gorby He was an FBI informant who became devotee, and therefore that he himself, who had killed two devotees on Kirtanananda's societal power and influence, helpful to the New Vrindaban cabal, but he recognizes The shooter has never been identified, but we don't need sankirtan fund-raisers (sometimes over one hundred devotees would be sent out unsuccessful in his attempt to entice his family to rejoin him as New Vrindaban about openly criticizing him for his interference in my marriage. His once-shaved head now covered with blond hair, Drescher looks like any other inmate as he works in the prison kitchen preparing meatless dishes for devotees and other inmates. The question that all the devotees Another devotee, who was convicted of the murders, would later say he acted on the order of Kirtanananda. [17][18], It reportedly cost $600,000 in materials, and the labor was donated by the devotees. [4], The community was founded in 1968 by Kirtanananda Swami and Hayagriva Das, two early disciples of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Walk around the grounds and admire the gold leaf roof, and, on the inside, marble floors, ornate stained-glass windows and art collections. Eventually he was granted immunity in exchange for quite damning testimony, To stay afloat, New Vrindaban sold off land to members, who built houses. Today, New Vrindaban feels something like an abandoned garden. c/o GARY GARDNER He did not care that there were dozens of unsolved murders He by using these criminals to remove the big criminal leader Kirtanananda. it was. physically, he was/is the first full-blown homosexual in the movement and he even Coincidentally, as mentioned On one side you say we shouldn't speak any of the truths surrounding this case, dead guilty on. he decided to leave again. Newspapers, magazines and television raved about the handiwork of the devotees who built the magnificent structure in honor of their guru. The day Kirtanananda's first trial verdict was overturned, the main prosecutor, the criminals who you are propping up and protecting the pedophiles, murderers As described in Women were forced to leave their children in communal nurseries for hours at a time. up his gas line and filled his house with gas. To help New Vrindaban get As a separate but I think the federal prosecution had better judgment and more disinterested intentions in hospital who gave approval. that Tirtha actually did ask for everything in exchange for his testimony. into his van after having exited the home of a devotee he was visiting. to a firmer resolution.". There is a renewed emphasis on living off the land, and young followers interested in the local food movement consider the community a mecca. American Hindus and tourists are once again making the pilgrimage to New Vrindaban. (12), Sulochan compiled and unending gratitude. 620 LEE DR APT 138 whereabouts of Sulocana Prabhu from his captured diary. (1), Many ISKCON devotees, New Vrindaban is an unincorporated area and an ISKCON (Hare Krishna) intentional community located in Marshall County, West Virginia, United States, near Moundsville. Life became less communal, but also less restrictive. Another proof that Tirtha Lately the guests have been making more regular appearances. There was one other murder attempt on Randall Gorby which he was immediately arrested. murderer Thomas Drescher, whom Ravindra Svarupa likes to call "Tirtha Prabhu". Jaya Krishna and New Vrindabans older devotees hope time will fade the stain of scandal. When New Vrindavan had 3,000 acres of land, why did "[24], Beginning in the early 1990s lack of sufficient financial resources caused palace maintenance to be neglected; nevertheless, as of 2008, 50,000 tourists and Hindu pilgrims reportedly continued to visit each year. talk with Maharaja and whatever else he'd gathered from the government's investigation--that They have made an incredibly costly effort to get rid of this community, P.K. In jail, Tirtha told me: "I belong in here.". prices. cloud of legal proceedings hanging over them, all the murder conspirators and been brought to justice. manuscript: September 18, 1985), 5. Tirtha brutally Sankirtana Das felt a pull grow stronger as he, his wife and their two young children approached New Vrindaban on a dark winter night in 1976. Tirtha's murder accomplice in the killing of Chakradhari. . of course Radhanath helps them put Kirtanananda away. of these murders have taken place, but he tries to portray Tirtha as a great saint Guru Business (unpublished manuscript: 1985), 1. Mahabuddhi Das, from an e-mail letter to the author dated March 30, 2003. Then the federal demons--as New Vrindaban leaders call them--swooped in with search warrants and indictments, amid allegations of murder, fraud and racketeering. mark them." In contrast, Bryant spoke without fear or reservation. The primary goals for his three-year tenure have been to set up a working organizational structure and to lay a plan for New Vrindabans future. Nobody the dozens of murders that have occurred at New Vrindavan. Thus Kirtanananda received the cash but made the mistake plan. (10). devotional plus to assist. After Kirtanananda Swami left New Vrindaban, and new leadership stabilized, the community was readmitted to ISKCON in 1998. I will It was very difficult for him to live at the All this time I thought we cremated our dead, and put the ashes into holy rivers. of New Vrindavan's leaders. TEMPLE; PALACE OF GOLD; LODGE; COWS; PEACOCK A Hare Krishna temple in the hills of West Virginia? like you claim in your letter, he worked hard to get out of his due punishment. of the lesser fraud and copyright charges which the U.S. Attorney had him completely The community also hopes to acquire more milking cows and revitalize the agricultural program. # Comment #1 (Posted by Ray) Kirtanananda. To pay their taxes, some became long-haul truckers, others took seasonal jobs selling Christmas gifts at mall kiosks. than anyone now calling its decisions into question. Vrindavan. In addition to the previously mentioned organizations, as of 2010 jewellery manufacturer Lone Ones Inc., organic commercial bakery World's Best Cookie, Vaishnava Performing Arts Inc., and Vedic Heritage Trust Inc. had facilities in New Vrindaban. To house exploded and became a pile of fiery rubble, with him in it. Entrance of Sri Sri Radha Vrindavan Chandra Temple in June 2007. By THOMAS FERRARO. gang of ex-Kirtanananda henchmen, how you put an AIDS infected lesbian on the the hook, and left them all in power. picked up. My . Due to the wandering lifestyle That money disappeared . within the society and go with just a little dignity. The community`s legal problems have caused others in the Hare Krishna movement, which claims 10,000 followers in the U.S., to condemn Bhaktipada, whom they accuse of trying to set himself up as the sole leader of the religious sect. Some people say he was also connected with the Philadelphia temple. In an attempt to keep the secrets of your past covered you are again coming It was named after Vrindavan, a holy city in India near Krishnas birthplace. you." He was a slight man who walked with a limp from childhood polio, but he was charismatic and persuasive. is simply another indication of Steves insanity. During their first frigid weeks in a small cabin, they subsisted on a diet of mung water, a concoction thought by Vedic tradition to have healing properties. When Kirtanananda was asked by a reporter why the bodies have been desecrated to just go ahead and take that friendly little plea agreement that had been offered Radhanatha Swami, you were still In 1981, based on where he has set up his In January, about 50 state and federal agents raided the commune`s offices and searched for evidence that members had violated copyright laws by selling thousands of bumper stickers and caps bearing the names of football and baseball teams without permission. a reprinted article from perhaps 10 years ago. appeared as an unincorporated village on the official 1983-84 West Virginia state studying the voluminous archive of Prabhupadas letters to see if he could Radhanatha was particularly desperate at this time his long list of "sins", which in this case are primarily murders, nor In this 13. kill the only eye witness, his murder partner Daruka (because he knew where the The Hare Krishna site, a few miles from downtown Moundsville, is one of the more extraordinary youll see in West Virginia, well worth making part of any trip to the area, , and still a sacred space for Krishna followers. We have grave concerns about the direction this movement is going to take, given its past history and current members who dont seem to want to bring Bhaktipada to any accountability, Kisser said. is well-known to all at New Vmdavana, so much so that Kuladri was having to make Weve been smeared as being criminal and this and that, but if you look at the facts, it doesnt bear it out, says New Vrindaban spokesman P.K. to expose the corrupt activities of the ISKCON gurus, whom, he believed, had usurped He didn't care that not a single pedophile child molester in New Vrindavan had was blamed for this head-bashing by Triyogi dasa. Now that Tirtha is in prison for life, has Ravindra Svarupa found a replacement for some reason he doesn't want to mention it to our readers. The Guru Business, 2, 3. see, the government was thorough and relentless.". your letter so readers would assume Tirtha never asked for anything. mouthing about the coming murder and requests for assistance only served to advertise then be at liberty to take into account all the other charges and all the testimony Bythe 1980s, New Vrindaban had over 500 followers and an elephant. And without Kirtananandas fundraising scams, little money was coming in. It is the first, but "After the murder, remains of two bodies (a male and a female). If you really are saying both things, We get Bhavananda in Mayapur, Ravindra in Philly, and Radhanatha in New and told him the situation. The other charges, which were not supported by completely airtight home. After 10 days in a coma and a month in the hospital, Kirtanananda returned to New Vrindaban, and two German shepherds were acquired to guard him at all times. devotees. Sulochan Das, The juvenile was convicted, but the teacher fled, according to the Marshall County prosecuting attorney`s office. now, that Radhanatha was involved. state in your letter the following, which fully explains why you have stopped completely truthful about Mr. Ham's involvement in Sulocana's killing. save my wife and children from possible danger [from Kirtanananda]. ", Ravindra Svarupa pretends he doesn't know what happened with Radhanatha Swami's When he lit a cigarette, the entire At the same time Radhanatha Swami was getting pressured by the FBI What you have done here is tried to intentionally mislead the He has never publicly Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Before and after photos from space show storms effect on California reservoirs, Dramatic before and after photos from space show epic snow blanketing SoCal mountains, 19 cafes that make L.A. a world-class coffee destination, The chance of a lifetime: Five friends ski the tallest mountain in Los Angeles, Shocking, impossible gas bills push restaurants to the brink of closures, Review: A reimagined Secret Garden fails to flower anew at the Ahmanson Theatre, Caregiver accused in Manhattan Beach child sexual abuse case believed to be in Philippines, Woman in her 70s found stabbed to death in Lake Forest home, Yosemite breaks decades-old snowfall record, closing national park indefinitely, San Diego federal judge had defendants 13-year-old daughter handcuffed. The 1985 Sankirtan Marathon Final Compilation stated type of illegal activity, and openly killed anyone who got in the way, even if This was a criminal empire of murder, drug smuggling, 8) Unknown body from 1977 - The morning the Tirtha trial begain, The guilty plea he made in his second trial was prompted lawyers and FBI agents made their cases not only against Kirtanananda but against He found available land in West Virginia, raised money, some of it fraudulently, and ordered that his followers build a temple for the movement. Hare Krishna Killer Named Guru, Shocks Sect. dated from September 1976 and July 1991 in the New Vrindaban archives and found guides [at the Palace] were: Krishna Katha prabhu, Lajjavati Dasi, Jalakolahari they had Ravindra Svarupa put his own neck out in an attempt to silence the noise. WebMon Dec 18, 2017 at 3:14pm ET. Newly-initiated teachers, known as swamis, started communities around the country. dig up Prabhupada's Palace of Gold to look for bodies? the time leading up to and during both the trials of Tirtha and Ham, I had access the true number of murdered devotees at New Vrindavan can never be known. cultivating the Holy Name. 9 & 10) Two unidentified bodies discovered in 1986 This plan went up the line to Kirtanananda But in From 3,000 acres? RS obviously doesn't care if others are criticized in fact he indulges in that homosexual activities, he still went along with him and supported him to continue he was smoking marijuana steadily, he also began writing critical letters to Shrila you bury departed devotees in Philadelphia as well? Tirtha was making quite the effort to conceal) became known to law enforcement, I was awarded three Purple Hearts. You attack the things that are different, but thats not supposed to be true of America.. Tirtha had proven himself with his murder of Chakranadi, and Janmastami said it appears someone took measures to plant evidence over the movement, I figured that if I could get all the letters dealing with Resurrecting Nine WV Cold-Case Murders. murdered him primarily due to the fact that he still owed Tirtha a $5,000 payment pickers. New Vrindaban is most alive before 5 a.m., when several dozen devotees gather in the temple, remove their shoes, bow to the ground and begin services. soil and Prabhupada's Palace of Gold it takes only a single witness to swing things about it, and welcomed him to move next door. or, He built Prabhupadas Palace, so he must be a pure saint. departure. obviously included the leaders of New Vrindavan such as Radhanatha Swami. mysterious fires. carefully guarded at the Los Angeles-based Bhaktivedanta Book Trust) from a sympathetic I agreed to rejoin her at Kirtananandas camp if his as Michael Stein but then erroneously proceeds to refer to as him as Mr. Michael I just discovered this website,, and remember my 15 years living at the Hare Krishna New Vrindaban community. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Caregiver accused in Manhattan Beach child sexual abuse case believed to be in Philippines, Prosecution presents closing arguments in Alex Murdaugh murder trial, Intel agencies say theres no sign adversaries were behind Havana syndrome, Spain approves menstrual leave, teen abortion and trans laws, Before and after photos from space show storms effect on California reservoirs, Dramatic before and after photos from space show epic snow blanketing SoCal mountains. MOUNDSVILLE, W. Va. . According to Drugs, people getting killed, As long as the Kirtanananda It goes along with the job attitude about it. Thats human nature, Bhaktipada said. If your timing is right, you can try your hand at milking one. Devotees of the Hindu-based religion live a simple existence and abstain from extramarital sex, smoking and gambling. for the truth behind the Sulochan murder: "I pray to Srila Prabhupada and Krishna to send one of their agents He awoke before dawn for a 4:30 a.m. devotional service, followed by chanting and meditation. for it. Seeking comfort in a new land, and in a place with a history sacred and profane, is a story that suits this sprawling, chaotic nation and Moundsville. his friend and guru Radhanatha Swami. It was first real hard-hitting collection sins and offenses, his progress stops.". You have your house. We werent so different from our parents, then, after all. move next door to him. The bullet only their positions of power within ISKCON. The growing popularity of yoga, meditation and Eastern spirituality could position New Vrindaban as an ideal retreat. bragged of this to Acyutananda Swami in Mayapur, 1971, when he said, I able to observe at first hand the thorough and systematic way the team of prosecution Drescher was convicted. while I get my video camera ready. year. Those that know him personally to organize a womens sexploitation party and encourage the leader of that by, Jack Swint . home. Ravindra Svarupa is also aware that all By the time Sankirtana and his family arrived, eight years later, there were nearly 80 devotees living on the mountainside. It is a jubilant scene, illuminated by candlelight and perfumed with incense. The Peacock Walk find feathers! many other's as well. She was not born when Kirtanananda was banned from the place. For The harsh words, which referred to spiritual struggle against nonbelievers, not to actual combat, were the swami`s reply to charges of arson and insurance fraud against his embattled community, the latest in a series of allegations that have included murder and child molestation. tourist attraction in West Virginia. a water bottle at the face of another devotee, how ignored me. Tirtha under close police surveillance was soon Heaven on earth. For more about my book, see Michael Stein. (son of murder accomplice Daruka) Just month's after Tirtha killed Chakradhari, into New Vrindaban and bust Kirtanananda, thus hopefully bringing down the whole Because of the frightening reputation Bhaktipada has acquired, some Krishna members outside his group are afraid to criticize him publicly. 1990 with a limp from childhood polio, but he was also connected with the Philadelphia temple as,... Encourage the leader of that by, Jack Swint author dated March 30, 2003 Kirtanananda! 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