Thank you all for sharing. In that years time though, she is constantly asking for food, drinks excessively, when she lays down to sleep her breathing sounds like she has an obstruction in her airway. She said if he was human, they would say he was anorexic. However, after about 2 months on the medicine he started urinating in the house. She said he would sleep it off. As the day as worn on, he seems at times to be getting worse (displaying circling behavior) and then better (trotting a bit in a straight line, coming up steps without falling). Instead of continuing to be a veterinarian, helping those innocent animals, and even keeping them from going to other veterinarians that may not explain the risks with medications, you quit, to sell supplements and offer a one sided view. Let him know that I would never give this precious dog any medication without our friends permission. Suddenly she was sneaking off to the back bedroom to go in-between. My 15 year old Cairn developed environmental allergies when she moved to CT from FL. He had been off and on apoquel for the last 3 years with recently consistently for the past 3 months. Thats why I blame Apoquel. Hard to articulate, more a pet parents knowing. Her liver enzymes, glucose reading were off the charts. At this time he had a steroid injection to get him over the intiial itching. The vet kept urging us to put her on it, that the side effects would be mild and should disappear. My vet gave her a shot of cortisone too and he says its probably the mixture of both that few days. This is sad. Such as, what is the correct hydroxyzine dosage for dogs? Antihistamines can also be used to treat anxiety, and to calm patients before general anesthesia and surgery, found that 54% of dogs with atopic dermatitis that had been given antihistamines to treat the condition responded favorably, your dog may be displaying signs of anxiety because of discomfort, Hydroxyzine hydrochloride is the most common treatment for pruritus in dogs, Best Dog Food For Seniors With Sensitive Stomachs, Best Dog Food for Small Dogs with Sensitive Stomachs, Hydrogen Peroxide For Dogs Vomiting, Ears, Wounds, Other Issues. I used some anti inflammation drops I had left over from dermatology vet and they seemed to be working but it is short lived and the yeast is still there. )mange that is non contagious. My Vet said it looked cancerous when she aspirated it, does not mean that it is malignant but she did sound somewhat worried and talked about the way the nuclei looked under the microscope. It was generally well tolerated, with the . This dog was perfectly healthy and suddenly went down hill. She had a bladder infection (which she never gets) and dr thought maybe cushings. I paid $10,000 or more over 12 years trying to heal my dogs itching. I contacted the makers of this pill. Nothing worked. WBC elevated, slight temperature, abdomen tender to touch and very dehydrated. Hi, my one year old bull terrier cross was put Apoquel a few days ago for an allergy. My boy had eye infection while on this also that cleared with eye drops. When we took her out to potty, she was randomly falling down and her back legs were very unstable. My 8 year old beagle/basset was put on Apoquell for itching on 10/13/16 and died this morning from liver failure and pancreatitis. On Sunday Nov 19th, we drove to our Thanksgiving destination. The most horrible thing I was witness to.His right eye sunk in to his skull. Is there another page that Im missing. I went to the FDA website and there is not one complaint that I can find from any vet or pet owner. I have to give her water from a bottle or syringe. At the advise of a new vet we put her on Apoquel. I cannot believe his Dr. gave a medicine that might cause gastro-intestinal problems and suppress the immune system to a puppy that has a weaken immune system from mange and had recent stool and vomiting issues. She never did the digging thing previously. Zoetis has made a fortune on this drug, it is time to stop the suffering. Then I searched it on the net & see all this stuff. I was at my wits end after failing to relieve his itch, but I refuse to subject my love to seizures and liver damage. I forgot you add the above food mix to 3kg of chicken or turkey mince. petrified! Can you give a dog Zyrtec and Apoquel together? Is APOQUEL The vet took blood and urine. He is still on hepaticlear..3 years later. It worked OK for a couple of months and then in late August early September her breathing became labored. I have her on flea meds year round, no fleas. The treatment can be very effective. Vet was not aware of all these side affects because I had asked right after starting her. But, Cytopoint isn't a chemical, like most drugs we're familiar with. I took her off Apoquel a few days ago.. And had blood work done.. eye check revealed an ulcer on one eye, and she had Valley Fever test All came back negative, with the exception of high thyroid, but not high enough for alarm! Our otherwise healthy 4 year old Airedale Terrier has been on and off Apoquel for the last year to help her skin allergies. The dose of Apoquel tablets is 0.18-0.27 mg/lb (0.4-0.6 mg/kg). She recently started peeing her bed and on the floor. I am taking him off of apoquell immediately. In fact, right now Apoquel has no drug interactions with any other type of medication, so it can be used along with just about anything. There is a wide variety of reasons your dog may be itchy. Without that terrible Apoquel. She was tired and started staring off so we took her to vet. Then the swelling of the legs, so bad that it looked like he had huge donuts under his skin around his ankles. I went back to the vet and did an allergy test where we found out he is allergic to 19 things, including fish which was what he was eating. Some things youll want to keep in mind include the severity of your dogs allergies, any other medical conditions your dog has, and what other medications your dog is taking. We brought him back to the vet on July 11, 2017 to evaluate at which time an antibiotic was prescribed and again a new prescription for 70 Apoquel 5.4mg tablets at a cost of $126.00 for the Apoquel. She had bloods done 2 weeks ago and they were all fine so Im hoping the last few days of the drug wont cause any irreversible issues but she has had her last dose and Im hoping to see improvement. That supplement contains colostrum. While the drug helped the itching slightly it did not stop it. I cut the dose by half and this side effect stopped. I should have ask questions I usually do. BUT 2 days ago he has started having breathing problemsnever had that before. I fear he may die! it may even exacerbate cancer, Diarrhea, vomiting, (both w/ Every dog that suffers from allergies may respond . Bit worried about that. Is it okay to take her off immediately, or do I need to wean her gradually? Would not eat, drink etc. She has been coned for about 2 years so when my Vet told me about Apoquel and how successful it has been I couldnt wait to try it. The rest of your rant is not deserving of a reply: I chose to resign based on my personal beliefs, and I have enough guts to actually be public about it, including using my real name. my newfie drinks alot of water anyway- but i too had her on benedryl before this and that makes anyone aggressiveand very thirsty, if they dont drink water with benedryl they will dehydrate- it also makes them sleepy so as a person who has the same effects with benedryl, nothing unusual benedryl long use does make you aggresive. My 10 years old English Bulldog Sophie has the worst allergies..Digging,scratching,dragging,bleeding etcI chose to try the Apoquel less than w week agoBIG MISTAKE!!!! So, its impossible to recommend across the board dosages that will produce good results. Any suggestions for options other than what I have already tried, in order to get him off Apoquel? Dogs with the MDR1 genetic mutation can become very ill or die if given certain medications. The rate of adverse events overall was low (<5%) and included I am wondering who your employer is, Ms Moore, and what prompted you to comment? Recently we moved to a different side of town in a metropolitan area and needed to find a new vet. Early Tuesday Nov 21 my husband woke me up to tell me that Ginny had let put a help and was very weak and could not stand up on her own. Something has to be done about this! She has NEVER done this, she wont even puke on the floor she runs to her crate she is the most courteous dog when it comes to messing anything up. My miniature schnauzer had the uncontrollable itchiness and smell that went with it. Im convinced its from this med!!! O.K its very late and a long stress filled day And now hes scratching like crazy again. Fourth Quarter 2014 Revenue of $1.3 Billion Increased 5% Compared to Fourth Quarter 2013 It has a different mechanism of action than steroids, cyclosporine, antihistamines, allergy shots and sublingual immunotherapy. We also have trazodone from her past vet (we switched 6 months ago) for her bad car/boarding anxiety. She will pay for it! I recently brought him to the vet because he hasnt been himself as the before mentioned concerns. Apoquel incidentally never stopped her itching and I will never resume the Apoquel. Dr Jones. I stopped the pills immediately. Active and happy. Thank you for this eye opening site, so important to be informed on the dangers os all meds. Such as, what is the correct hydroxyzine dosage for dogs? The vet put her on apaquel for 4 months. She died in my arms on the way to the vet.My Zoey is gone and I am heart broken. WSU is the leader in identifying drugs that may be dangerous for dogs with the MDR1 mutation and can identify alternative medications and doses. I found out about this drug here and on other web sites. The above mentioned worked but she also added Atopica for 3 5 months to sustain the gut so he wouldnt itch anymore. She has had two skin infections where we had to give her antibiotics and antifungals, and we are diligent with flea control even though I tried using natural control and it wasnt enough. We had to use the Apoquel because he needed surgery for a torn ACL and couldnt use prednisone. We are babysitting our favorite Scottie for our dear friends while they are on vacation and out of cell range for a couple of days. The bonding after reviving her is incredibly tight. Even though dogs and cats produce their own vitamin c, (we humans as you know do not) are you aware of anyone trying this approach in the animal world? We finally discovered her allergy is to chicken and a diet change cleared up all allergy problems but she now may die from an opportunistic infection that wouldnt have happened had she not been given Apoquel. She started having breathing problems and at the vet was so bad they had to give her oxygen. I searched apparel and found that this was a side affect. He is 25 lbs (huge westie, I know), and I have found that if I give him 1/4 pill in the morning that the side effects go away and itching is pretty much under control. My daughter stated she is doing this head and leg thing every morning the past 3 weeks. Moderate Interactions. In simple terms, apoquel changes how the immune system acts. Saw right after I hit the Submit Comment button. Your vet will work to determine the appropriate dosage according to a few factors. Upon blood work review, Red blood cell count, platelets and many types of her white cells were frighteningly low. This may be a consideration for our vet in choosing this drug. I gave him 4 doses and I have noticed he is lethargic and caught him peeing in the house other than on his puppy pad which he has always used. What Does Altered Dog Mean? What brand of hepaticlear do you use and and do you give the chewable form? You can use a Natural flea spray that has cedarwood oil, and a safe holistic powder for putting in the cracks and crevices of your house called Borax. He seemed afraid to move, as if it caused him pain. It has been 32 days now and felt it was almost time for her to go, she stopped eating for three days but was still drinking some water. I thought we were going to lose him. In fact, the other drugs used for this condition carry similarly disturbing side effects. We were dealing with our older Chocolate Lab on Nov 7 who we had to put down, so I forgot to keep an eye on my Ginny. I started her on 1/2 tab once a day every day for the last month and 1/2. Can my dog take Apoquel and Zyrtec together? She was still eating and seemed a little more tired so I wasnt alarmed. I started looking at this site or blog for answers for the insane paw licking my baby goes through every year around Aug., Sept. I have used Benadryl for big flare ups of his skin, dosing him at .5mg per lb ( I give 50lb Jessie 25mg of Benadryl at night), and Ill do it twice a day if needed. I called the vet and was informed to Keep her on the Apoquel and give her boiled rice and chicken for her vomiting. I gave her the boiled rice and chicken but I immediately took her off of the Apoquel and her vomiting stopped. On the fourth day he started vomiting and having diarrhea. Hes on IV fluids but not expected to live more than a week. An OTC alternative might be Benadryl for your dog. We adopted a cocker spaniel mix June 2015. The next morning at 5AM the same thing happened. (Answered 2023), Is It Legal to Eat Dog Meat in Canada? Please read and research this drug before giving it to your dogs. The first month he took the full dose of 5.4, the second month we halved it. Puppy is losing hair in patches skin turns red with sores and he scratches a lot since 6/2/2016. 10 is way to young for my dog to die. I am so pleased to have Apoquel that keeps him happy and well. There should be some mornings to the vets, but there arent. He is a cocker spaniel who is now just over 10 years old. What is hydroxyzine? Redness . I do not know what to think at this point and Im upset I didnt know the long term side effects of this miracle drug could possibly be responsible for the sickness of my dog. Do the medications trazodone and apoquel have negative interactions with each other? Apoquel seems to be an amazing drug. Thank you all for comments. Can you give dogs Benadryl and Apoquel together? We had our dog with allergies on Benedryl twice a day, and in the beginning it did help, but his paws were bright red and swollen from his excessive licking. A huge shout to today's VetGirl guest blogger is by Dr. Nicole Heinrich, DACVD of McKeever Dermatology Clinics. How long has this been a concern? They have been developed so as not to cause drowsiness. Please share your comments. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not placed any time restrictions on the use of Apoquel. Still sweet and wants to play but, can hardly find the ball when it is right in front of her face. He also had diarrhea and itching. This happened three times over a few weeks, he also learned how to open the door to the garage and was scratching at the window trying to escape. BUT..then it started. my newfie takes 1 1/2 tabs. Nothing processed, out of a can or a bag, no dry food ever (its basically rubbish anyhow). He had never had a seizure in his life and had never behaved that way. 10% fatal result makes this safe? It helped a little but not enough, so a week later (yesterday) I called the vet, they prescribed Apoquel 5.4mg once every 12 hours for 14 days then once every 24 hours for 14 days. management. THIS MED IS AWFUL & I SO WISHED I NEVER GAVE IT TO HIM!!!! I know shes not cured and continue to struggle with the realty that she is really sick, but thank god for every extra day we have her with us. The answer is no. Seonaid, what dose are you giving your westie? It was told to us in private that the long term effects of the Apoquel could be the cause of her cancer. Monitor your dog for any symptoms. I was too afraid so I gave her 1/2 dose and I thought she had a mild shake. Its poison to his body but he did stop scratching. My Beagle Shorty was put on Apoquel for slight itching and minor hair loss around the middle of his ears. Would half a chew be right for her weight? Lately I have been trying Vitamin C which has some antihistamine qualities, and his itching is decreasing. My vet says it is safe but will listen to me if I tell him about this which obviously I will. Im just sick. Also KU Medical center, dept of Integrative Medicine. The patent on the drug does not expire until 2026, so we won't be seeing any generic Apoquel alternatives in the immediate future. In fact, giving your dog Benadryl or Zyrtec is a common way to treat allergies in dogs. Drugs that suppress the immune system In general, Cytopoint is safe to use in combinations with other medications including Apoquel, corticosteroids, NSAIDs, antibiotics, antifungals, and even with allergen specific immunotherapy.You should not give the following drugs at the same time as Apoquel without consulting your veterinarian: cortisone-type medications or Atopica.In She licks at her mouth often which she never did before and sometimes she acts like she is choking on something and has not had anything in her mouth. Im not one to complain but, I feel compelled to share our nightmarish experience with this new anti-itching drug called Apoquel. I am taking my dogs off of this. Of the 247 dogs studied, 26 were removed for unknown reasons and 18 were euthanized. I cant prove it was the Apoquell but I was never educated on the side effects. This pill really worked for my dog. We can leave for work and they are both fine. We cannot imagine how horrible the situation for all would have been if we began this drug and our little buddy suffered any ill effects. I have found that a commercial diet of fish and sweet potato work very well, and with this there is less itching, and licking. Anything that prevents the immune system from functioning properly is dangerous. To help determine if a pet is receiving an appropriate dose of a medication, veterinarians may monitor the amount present in the bloodstream, a procedure that is called therapeutic drug monitoring. My puppy is exhibiting the same bad side effects others mentioned in this post. blood present), urinary tract infections, aggressive behavior, This is really scary.. because it is as though someone flipped a switch and she is just not herself anymore. She went from a healthy dog to a dog that was incontinent, drinking lots of water, getting us up in the night to go outside. Finally the neurologist did and MRI and found no stroke, no tumor, her blood vessels looked good and she was over 6 yrs old. I was prescribed Apoquel for my 9 yr old pug with hot spots when I told my vet that I was concerned about the possible long-term effects of using Benedryl regularly. He had an ultrasound and it was determined it was likely due to the Apoquel, and he was diagnosed with liver disease. It has been approximately 3 weeks since I took him off of all meds and we are completely back to normal. which is causing more messes to clean up. But I love my dogs and if this is what happens with using Apoquel. He is nibbling them constantly. Probably more concerned with the monthly sale of Apoquel to me rather than reporting this AE. The pills are gone and I am unable to afford another $200+ vet visit plus a larger supply of Aproquel. Kind of mad at my vet that they were so casual about giving it to her again. Apoquel is suppressing the immune system, and this caused pneumonia, mange, skin infection, bladder infection. She is on Revolution and I have never seen a flea on her. This past year he was expieriencing anal gland infections almost every weekwe were constantly going to the vet for reliefhe was iching his butt, gland would fill up quickly, he was always uncomfortable and couldnt sit still due to the discomfort kept us up all night most nights. My 10 year old Maltese 10 pound has had intermittent allergy problems his entire life. I called the vet and they did blood work and checked him. Among dogs in the oclacitinib group, one dog withdrew from the study because The neurologist said by default he had to dx her with epilepsy. She is 92# and 4 years old now so she takes 1 1/2 tabs of 16 mg daily. Normal is 2.5 4.3. We stopped this medication as soon as we learned that she never should have been prescribed this in the first place as she had a previous cancerous tumour and also that it should not be given to a dog with a serious infection. She played and ate normally that evening and we turned in at our usual bedtime of 9:30. Last week I took her off the Apoquel, out of nowhere she started eating again, even playing and drinking water. Be aware that some antihistamines can cause drowsiness. I dont trust drugs and I dont trust doctors, or car sales men, or lawyers for that matter. Yes these two options are commonly offered and usually the best ones. It can be used with most other medications, with no known negative drug interactions occurring to date. He then became very lethargic, drinking quite often, and urinating in large amounts. We are going in this evening to put him to sleep. But I dont know if 30 days is enough. Having treated hundreds of dogs for allergies, it is MORE than welcoming to have a drug that works to STOP the itching without all the side effects of predisone. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Veterinarian, author, advocate for alternative, natural solutions for dog and cat health, Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM 500 grams liver, 2 handfuls of shredded cheese and I serve it up with a dollop of natural yoghurt and 2 tablespoons of Omega blend oil (vets all natural). As always, if you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. It started as seasonal allergies but he ended up itching all year round. I only hope my baby Stoney will be Ok. Dr. suggested apoquel which I paid 120. Is APOQUEL Dogs who have a weight of 10 to 14.9 lbs should be given 5.4mg tablets daily and two times. My yellow lab took apoquel with great successso we thought. He has been on it for one month now and doing good! Never told that it destroyed the immune system or the side effects. By June 15, 2018, Aries was suffering and miserable with all the itching due to these growths and several of these papillomas were removed under general anesthesia requiring Aries to stay over night at the center. It can also be used for more long-term allergies but has varying results. We lost a dog years ago due to poison pet food.. and the world didnt learn about the poison food issue until the day after the Vet insisted he needed to be put to sleep because of renal failure! I will deal with his itching in a more safe manner. It has been the Apoquel doing all of this, I believe. No more and I will be talking to my vet about this. Please let me know what I can do to help get this drug off the market. Her itching was better but not eliminated. but she started having side effects, excessive thirst, frequent urination, barely made it out the door. The hot topic in the world of dermatology right now is Apoquel.Apoquel is an exciting new medication for the treatment of allergic itching in dogs. My 7 year old Dachshund was seen my a vet for allergies that caused her ears to itch severly. Poor little guy. After two months and weight gain and labored breathing on steroids Ollie still has this yeast infection. I am sure for some dogs it works, and works well with little or no side effects. Since it is a short-acting drug, the effects will be gone in 24 hours; however, the medication may last longer in dogs with renal or liver impairment. of $0.40, Increased 13% and 11%, respectively nothing major yet -except she doesnt We put my boy on it and yes, it did work great. He is lethargic and seems to have aged rapidly. You may stop using medications all together. I took my 58# I brought her home and gave her 1 dose of 16 mg around 4PM. I have since taken her off of the pills and I can already see that her weight has gone down. In one long term study published by Apoquel's manufacturer Zoetis, they studied 247 dogs over the course of two years. Ive been looking for others with the same diagnosis. We are on the 16mg dose, but we break it in half and he is on 1/2 pill a day. She had bladder stones three years ago and is on a prescription food for that. 2.Adequate flea control- ensure that you are not dealing with fleas as a problem. Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances. Benadryl helps his runny nose and itchy eyes, but he was still scratching himself nonstop. After several visits to the veterinary center and medications including certrizine, hydroxyzine, loratadine, prednisone the veterinarian suggested trying Apoquel in December 2016. But just a few days later she was falling and pacing and panting. I noticed that her poop looked very black but thought it was from some boiled chicken that we had given her. Discover Holistic At-Home Remedies By Downloading My Free e-Book: Your email address will not be published. As soon as I stop giving her apoquel the stomach problem stopped. I called Vet that day and asked about side affects, he stated only upset stomach in some dogs. I was suspect of this drug before I read the study. For the appropriate Apoquel dosage, your vet will determine that based on the weight of your dog. I will need to confine her if she continues to pee everywhere. Thank you for your generosity of spirit and your willingness to share your knowledge and information in an effort to help prevent harm to our innocent companion animals! Or pups under 12 months old. The chemical messengers which are being blocked by these drugs are involved in more processes than just controlling inflammationmost likely as yet undiscovered!!! My Chow has now been on Apoquel for less than 48 hours. I still use the same vets but now use a different vet who we use exclusively so she is aware of my boys issues. My five-year-old German Shepherd developed skin allergies right after her first birthday. Some medications may interact with . Apoquel can be used long-term at maintenance doses or seasonally as needed. My 7 year old male GSD has been on apoquel for 2+ years now for horrible scratching due to atopic dermatitis. As a result, hydroxyzine pamoate is what doctors will prescribe to human patients to treat anxiety. Gave this med to my 9 year old Rat Terrier.. now she is dead. (Medicine service at Purdue It stopped the itching immediately and he was finally able to get relief. I stoped it todayim terrified. Pruritus is not a disease in itself. I took him back off of it and I called the vet and I said that I want to put him back on the pred. Just seems like a lot to me. She is much more alert and somewhat less itchy. The Vet is insistant, it is not this drug. My vet bills have double. Today my usually energetic puppy was lethargic vomiting and had extremely runny foul smelling stool (2x). Mix all together and freeze in portions and Voila! Thank you all, positive & negative on Aproquel. We had no choice but to euthanize him early this morning. I have found others not just on this web site that are questioning the same thing. I bathe her twice a month too. Her stools are turning around and while still soft, are not the plop plop plop anymore. We actually had to feed her out of our hand or put the food on he floor because I think she was afraid of Apoquel in her dog bowl ( yes I believe pets are smart line this). She has now had two seizures. I am going to let my Vet know. Both Apoquel and Zyrtec are effective at relieving allergy symptoms in dogs, so combining them may provide even more relief for your dog. Ive had my terrier mix dog on Apoquel for a year and a half. I now blame myself because I should have researched this medication before I gave it to her. Of those 247 dogs, they removed 26 dogs from the study for one reason or another and 18 were euthanized.

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