You may feel numb, shocked, and fearful. One of the symptoms of depression is suicidal ideation. I have no advice of how to cope and i dont want to share my ugly story (theyre a dime a dozen) I just want you to know that I AM PROUD OF YOU. I know my kids will come looking for me when they turn 18. So God could give and he could easily take. I could make myself available anytime. Dogs Grieve Based on the Relationship. Our court date is set to Terminate our parental rights. How can you show that? Worked amazing. Its the worst feeling in the world to be hopeless & to not know where to turn because your stuck. I hope this helps you. I know its hard & those holidays are the worst. Please write to me, I also feel so alone in all this , I have no one to talk to about it and nobody understands why i am always so sad!! If not, call me at 816-645-4152. Im so sorry youre going through this. I am always alone im used to it now. I know who wins, and I know what side I am on. They lied. Let me say, I am so proud of you. I try to maintain a positive attitude and i buy them gifts and i have gone to school to better myself i have a beautiful 3 bedroom house with just me and my man of 8 years and yet im still not able to see them or even talk to them and the gifts i buy cant have my name on them i feel so lost as to what to do, there adoptive mother has child abuse charges on her record for hurting my oldest and i still try to look past that and have a relationship with her but she does not want to talk to me or anything, please pray for me and my children i am feeling so hopeless and lately i have been feeling like i dont want to live anymore it just hurts so much all the time. Are able to sympathize with your situation, Have experience handling similar cases and situations, and. I had my six children yanked. Learn more about it. My grandson was screaming NO NO NO!!! Always a hole in my heart. You cant just wipe depression away with a magic cloth, but I want you to know that it is MANAGEABLE. Youll need an accurate diagnosis of your condition, symptoms, and the treatment you undergo for depression. I tell my babies mommy loves you with all of my soul. My heart is aching so badly I dont know what to do. I can tell you that our Case Manager was fired. However, if children are sad, irritable, or no longer enjoy things, and this occurs day after day, it may be a sign that they are suffering from major depressive disorder, commonly known as depression. Theres never real happiness. As their mother or father, you have parental rights, and judges are not in the practice . i recently relapsed and i want to go back treatment immediately but im afraid will hurt my case. Yes, sorry to say, that is exactly what they often do. Still, despite many widowed seniors experiencing problems with . I WAS WRONG. You'll be thankful you did. CPS offered me no assistance whatsoever-no counseling, no guidelines of what to do to fix things. If you are unable to cope with your own emotions after the death of a child, consult a psychologist. Im sorry what youre going through but dont lose hope trust in our lord. The school called me telling me they lost her isnt it normal to call police? At that time because of this my 3 daughters were picked up by cps, and I was living in El Centro now. Bullying and spending a lot of time using social media may be associated with depression. Bear with the pain. Talk to your attorney about filing for the appeal. I am going to try and set up something, somehow to change the laws in my state of Arizona where it is now illegal to change your babys diaper. This is the perfect opportunity for you to tap into your creativity. My son is very angery with me. I think thats funny bc my mother was a convicted felon and convicted of child abuse and when I lost custody in 29001 social services placed my 4months old baby with her knowing her criminal bkground and knowing that I was removed from her and placed in foster care on three occasions as a child. The case worker even brought the kids here and said she had no issues at all but yet I am still jumping through hoops. Although you should never feel ashamed of having PTSD from domestic violence, you should recognize its signs and seek treatment right away. two days later CPS was called on me. I lost custody 2 years ago and my therapist said my son will come look for me when he grows up. Someone needs to sort these people out. We must become unified and change laws, start class action suits against states and DHHS in each state. I hope youll create some web pages about you and your family so if your child ever looks for the truth about her family, it will be there for her. that is the only trustworthy source of truth written in this world. Theyve already taken everything I have ever cared about and worked for my whole adult life. This twenty year old guy. I am impressed with this website and the support you offer. 1. Think about what your children would want you to be doing with this time in your life when theyre not with you. Proper nutrition and sleep will help you recover faster from grief by reducing stress hormones in the blood. One 2015 study of 2,512 bereaved adults (many of whom were mourning the loss of a child) found little or no evidence of depression in 68 percent of those surveyed shortly after the tragedy. That was all the notice we got!!! :(. You will always be their mother. I went to a pyshc ward to get off heroin and back on my bi polar meds. The cps took my samantha 23 years ago and I suffer in silence and continually ask God why. In the end, they did their damage and closed the case. flashbacks, anxiety, or other symptoms of PTSD. I take SAMe, it is a natural antidepressant. I lost my children 16 years ago. Copyright OptimistMinds 2023 | All Rights Reserved. I pray for you and strength to attend to you spirits so you can keep moving forward. God has given me the grace and mercy to handle this. Do not let them destroy our kids. My daughter has been sentenced to life with my ex and his child molesting roommate to be around their drug use and other abuse, while Im barred from seeing or talking to my own child for no reason. I been praying for myself that all this will be over. I got great letters of reference from a medical surgeon in our town, a pastor, and a great co worker. So today i do not look towards any body. Surrender yourself to him leave all your problems in his hands and trust in him. I am no more discouraged than I was. I got approved for housing I got off my drugs. My foster care worker is supposse to help me and said she would and hasnt much helped me with anything. This is the standard that courts use when making decisions on child custody and visitation. I know exactly what that feels like. Maybe write letters to your children, and one day when you see them again, you can give them the letters (even if they are grown) You said you are lost in your feelings-write your feelings down! Create . Grandparents may initially experience overwhelming feelings of denial, shock and numbness. 4. they was almost home staying the weekends and then a bomb hit.. they said I failed for weed and coke I have never seen my results when I ask they said my lawyer had to get them well he never did crap for me I lost my kids November 12 2015.. I said go ahead he said daddys been hitting u again huh thats why we cant hug u b/c u hurt to bad and cry its okay to leave daddy we wont be mad.. No response. I trust God to take care of them wherever they are. I feel worthless and powerless and always the bad guy. Depression is normal for anyone going through CPS hell. Let us take a look at some steps you can take to help yourself. You are in mourning feeling grief and sorrow at the loss. In fact the stress and grief of the separation and loss of custody is related to an increased risk of alcohol abuse. I called DSS the night before and told them he had a fever of 102.6 and might need to see a Dr. in the middle of the night. Because I cant help everyone that way, Ive put what I know on this website and in the forum. Please write me, My name is kathryn. Let us consider a combination of the following: If you notice the symptoms of your depression has persisted for more than two weeks and it is impacting your ability to work, maintain relationships, and deal with the stressors of your daily life. If there is no criminal activity, the children should not be removed. Ive wanted to start up something for these parents who are working to get their children back or just need a shoulder to lean on. I cant go on any further, too much pain. This post would have been helpful if I wasnt atheist. NOOOO! Ive made cupcakes for charity. Cps keeps adding layers of trauma to everyone. The Texas statute on Conservatorship, Possession, and Access covers many details regarding decisions on custody and visitation, but dont expect to see depression mentioned in the law. Though not required by law, its to your advantage to hire a lawyer to represent you in any child custody case including one where there are allegations of depression. Please reach out to me. Ive never heard of judges letting teenagers testify about where they want to live, in CPS cases. I will always be love her. Ages 9, 6, & 5 months. How old are the children now? I hit a rough patch in my life and lost everything. I am fighting cps it has been about a year and a half.I feel they use my now ex husband against me.cps is wrongfully handling things wrong I have done all classes required and have a job car and home.hopefully the judge turns her head and sees that I deserve them back two of my children are tribal members and they have been turned against me to the fullest extent.all I want is them back somebody hear me out I have been diagnosed with ptsd which is a sign of depression.all who are going through this torture never give up.Lord hear our prayers my family also gets nothing out of this.cps is prejudiced and they use bias never believe anything they say.with love to all Andrea. I didnt even fight them about baby going with them I just wanted to safely give birth. Might as well try. We all have problems. We must not just stay alone and lost in our pain. There is a possibility that losing custody of your child can cause you to develop Post traumatic disorder because of how stressful of an event this change can be. I give my God the glory, anyway. Each article is written by a team member with exposure to and experience in the subject matter. I truly hope that you get your children back from the scum! 3.) All I want is to be treated like a person and have a chance to see my grandson and say good bye. We may lose this battle, but the victory is already won. When I saw that Childrens Division blatantly broke every one of their own laws, regulations, and rules, while criticizing me for every imagined infraction of their perception of perfection, I started climbing the ladder. I am in the thick of it right now, where are you now with your case a year later? I had my daughter young as a teenager and so Ive always identified myself as just a mother. I hired another lawyer to help me go back to court after filing a frurd an destress on my case. Please notify their (not yours) attorney. Im trying to get my son back. But both my kids were cared for my son was in daycare . Im sorry your 17yo turned against you. This poem has been the second hardest thing that I have ever done. How pathetic, it made me hurt to see my children becoming angry with me because yet again I was denying them when their parents were the good parents because they allowed my children everything. May God Bless You for reaching out to the broken hearts bring hope to all! I believe everything happens for a reason. Much love!!! Strangers or family? The fact is my son need milk an dippers and i violated a saftey plan. Grieving this loss is an individualized process that can be captured in poetry about losing a child. I work alot and only see them for two hours a week. Teens. Do not mention anyone else's name. I will pray for you, When they are 18 you never get those years back of raising your kid people dont raise a kid for free to abuse them but to love them when will they understand that, You are not alone my 4 babies were taking from me for no reason a bunch of lies these women need to be in jail for taking my sweet babies from me God bless you. If you got your situation published or on TV maybe the adopters would see it and agree to let your grandchild visit with you. You may be more prone to viral infections, such as colds. I am only 24 with three children. They took her off because she tried to kill herself. Jesus died, by shedding his blood for the sins of the whole world to provide the free gift of eternal life to anyone who will receive it. While Id admit my addiction had me beat , Im in recovery now. We are guaranteed to suffer as real Christians. The psychologist, having studied the problem, can advise you to take a vacation, return to work, do your favorite thing. Loss of a Child Poems. This posting is dedicated to the memory of Lacie Dryer, victim of CPS abuse. I lost everything but the clothes on my back. Now they have her daughter and will probably end up with the new baby. { HELP WITH CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEYS IN GEORGIA PLZ }, { You worked for them for 24 years, meaning you did horrific things to earn a living and you want to play victim? My family is reporting my activity to my CPS worker even though I dont want them to do this. Im still waiting on my two other babies but that will take probably another year or two wen theyre 18. There are several obstacles: 1.) Dont give up its hard but youll get through it this is my 3 time dealing with them in 2 years because of my ex whose been my abuser since I was 15 y/o. Whether a child, parent, spouse, or furry companion, poetry has the uncanny ability to take one back to the momentback to the place a heart needs to feel. It was reported that two testified, but the other one was just present. CPS had called me and asked me to meet them at the DHS building in the town i was living in said that they wanted to do a meeting with me and to bring my children because they hadnt seen them in a while. : ). Im almost at my deadline and i dont know what to do i rarely see my children even though i am suppose to see them for an hr every wednesday. my email is:, and my name is Brandi!! You may call me at Some of the procedures have changed, such as allowing the children to be more involved in the process, if they want to. Help Im starting to feel hopeless again. It is key to be able to have someone that is fighting for you while you are fighting for your kids. The loves of my life due to being scared during my DCS case I got pregnant & I gave my little girl up for adoption. I was two days into my treatment. I lost both of my children in 2012 I was the only care taker of them my daughters dad was a sperm donor and was behind 12 grand in child support and my sons dad I jus left him of 5 years off and on hes an alcoholic bad and still ismy case is still Goin on 3 years later and I still havent even got unsupervised visitswhat happened in my case was my current boyfriend which is now my fiance accidentally smacked my son on his cheek nothin serious at allbecause of his criminal past and I guess me still being with this man for over 5 years as well they wont give me my kids backIve had numerous panic attacks Im depressed all day long I cant survive any longer fighting and fighting to get no wherethey have told me from get go do this do that same as ur all these classes and u will get them backwell we did all that n first year and Ive hired a paid lawyer and all 1500$ to still be strung along over an accident he didnt try to hurt my baby he didnt know how to be a dad he had no idea how to punish a 3 year old at the timeHe only wanted to tap him on the shoulder but my son ducked it and his hand ended up across his faceHe did 60 days in jail for assult as wellThis man loves my kids he refuses to leave he is fighting this long hard battle with me but now its like do I kick him out wat do I doI grew up as a kid and my dad would leave bloody welts all over my bottom thighs etcwhere was cps when I was a childI dont understand this world u got herion addicts who still have there kids ppl leaving kids n hot cars they keep there kidsbut my bf tried to discipline my son and this is wat I go thru day to day for 3 yearscan I get any answers please I live m cincy ohioI need prayers please I need my babies back badmy daughter will be a 12 in Jan I heard she can say at that age where she wants to liveTrue or not??? There is a spiritual battle going on that is bigger than America. They have been ahold of me my entire life. How to Create an Obituary in 11 Steps Heart palpitations, shaking, chest pains, diarrhoea, butterflies in your stomach and sickness are all common. Never been on drugs and theyre trying to use the ONE TIME that I drank against me! Holidays, birthdays and other events can spark grief even years after a loss. Find a way to help others it will take your mind off your problems and bring some joy into your life. Go to a doctor and get an accurate evaluation of the situation. So long as the case is still open you have a chance to get your children back. Help me please. If I lose my kids forever, I dont think Im living They are my life! First name only. I was in a hospital 5 times in a year and a half. Words of wisdom from a grandmothers broken and healing heart! Shortly after news broke via The Sun on Tuesday . I am so glad i am alive! My husband has a new attorney, with a brighter perspective. They called me and I went to pick my precious grandchild up. I dont trust DSS and I never will. I started a charm bracelet for my daughter & a tool collection & remote control items for my son. Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness. Accept what has happened-I dont mean to agree with what has happened-just accept that it did happen. Do you think theyre going to testify against you? Forgetting I was an alcoholic. Lots of feelings and stories which lets me know I am not the only one but is there a case or grpup to fight here in arizona. I told Abbie, that if I am in the love of God, and she is in the the love of God, then we are not really apart, even though we are not together. mother to 7 but a mom to none. I told her that instead of laughing with her they were laughing at her. It and agree to let your grandchild visit with you i got my! 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